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  • Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    04. 19. 2010 21:03

I always heard uk had the worst aa in the game, which explains why what seems
like 99.9% of the players in my server don't use any aa on their uk ships.
On my first crew i was very confused myself if to class my gunners aa or keep em as
regular gunners and class them reload for regular guns to use as aa.

Eventually it turns out i made the right choice. I think the uk player community needs
to take a second look at pom gunners. i can't imagine rp10s being anywhere near to
competition to poms when it comes to taking down planes.

granted they don't have the range my km gunners have, but i have found it makes
up in other ways. once in bb4-5 poms become quite useful agaisnt scouts and say 70% effective if you learn your angles and positioning right,against
fighter planes for the most part id give it 45% effectiveness.

Yes i know it doesnt sound like great numbers, however this all seems to change at
bb6, i think its due to the extra 4aa gun slots we get. Poms become amazing.
effectiveness against scouts/bombers in range becomes 100% and effectiveness
against fighter planes lvl 120 becomes 95%+.

honestly i find poms to be just as if not more deadly than km guns. poms allow for a
bit more flexibility. the typical cv will change height on their fighter pilots and will
sometimes fly right on top of you in circles to make it hard to hit them. on regular aa
this is a real hassle because there is little room for mistake.

However i find with poms the travel delay of the shells actually makes it easier to kill
planes.You can hit them at the angle you are aiming for and just in case their planes
are changing to a lower height, those shells you were firing as you increased angles
are likely to hit them on the way down.

for me the magic numbers are 45-46(46prefered), 26-34,10-25 on occasion 55+ for
those on top of me.

honestly I don't understand why other uk ships don't carry poms or aa at all.
especially considering how amazing the help from cvs usually is when it comes to FC

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    06. 02. 2010 09:09

I use AA on all nations, with the exception of some lower level BB's.

Over the past 5 months or so, pom poms have become my 3rd most trusted AA set... as nokim
has already stated, it has more range than you'd think. Though the shells travel a bit
slower (more lead required), it can reach out about as far as US 3"70D's. Maybe a tad
shorter, but almost negligible. Not that US 3" is long range anyway, but they are far from
useless... and will massacre any flight in it's range.

Anyone who knows how to AA beyond the usual golden angle will be well served with poms.
Ironically, 80% of players never even bother adjusting the angle of their AA... so I
figure many will hate these anyway.

Bottom line: Poms are good, but poms aren't for everyone.

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 31. 2010 23:22

I'm finding that pom-poms are very hit-and-miss when it comes to opportunity. Good games
are the ones in which an overtaxed CV player lets their aircraft buzz through your small
AA range. Bad games are the ones in which a CV player notices you pom-poming and just
keeps their planes away.

Max score so far: 4k credits.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 31. 2010 05:38

2pdr 1.57"/39 Mark VIII is the real name of the pom pom.

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 30. 2010 19:38

what is the name of the pom canions????

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 20. 2010 23:48


New record with pom pom until now :D

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 20. 2010 16:11

What I didn't like about when they changed pompoms is they doubled it's weight.

It used to be 48, now it's like... 96?

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 20. 2010 16:00

But.... one thing is it uses shitload of ammo.
I have spent all 40 bind of pom pom on the emerald in one game.....

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 20. 2010 11:42

Now you know why I like them so much richard :)

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 20. 2010 09:47

I was supposed to class them in the 115, but I was thinking if they ever fix aaw back.
I want to have the best optimization in terms of reload/accuracy and AAW.

Either, I super vet them without boosting or **cough cough find someone who can gift you**

First day, got lot of 3000+ top score until now is 10 000+.

Only fighters shot down....
I haven't had the chance to rape bombers yet.

  • Re : Uk AA,misconception of the pom

    05. 20. 2010 08:42

I didn't read the whole thread but I love the pom pom's. They seem to be really
good for clearing out a flight of fighters parked over your ship.
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