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  • Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 21. 2010 01:53

Ok, heres the deal:
I am currently in a dunk and 1 and a half level from Nelly, and i am wandering.
Whats the fastest line to L2?
1. Nelly->L1->L2
2. Nelly->Vanny->L2
3. Hood->L1->L2
4. Hood->Vanny->L2

I suck at aiming, but i love the playstyle with all the guns in the front.
And the Hood is a big target, almost impossible to miss, unless you suck at manual
as much as me. (But yes i USE it, i would NEVER use auto on anything but a FF/DD)
And i've heard stuff about the vanny being a longer grind.
And ofcourse we are talking about a grind WITHOUT prem.

So wheres the shortest grind?

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    05. 01. 2010 13:04

Why is Kaj talking to himself?

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    05. 01. 2010 08:13

he is a guy in Bismark server that basicly pisses off ppl, acts like a brat, and pulls
hatred out of ppl, and then takes screenshots and reports the players...

be wary this guy is winning fame in that server, if he already doesnt have it :)

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 22. 2010 03:05

I just noticed that he is the guy that abused me for no reason, in the "BS!" thread.
Thus, I have deleted my posts.

Kaj, stick to your current crew. Dont level any more sailors.

You abuse people for no reason, and then expect people to give answers, and then
you ignore advice from people. Why bother posting when you dont listen to
anybody, and abuse those who try and help.

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 21. 2010 20:54

The only problem with Lj's crew setup is u literally have to go crazy on your repair to
get a good rep rate, and have a good rep rate on the rest of your sailors too. I run a 5/5
split on mine and it does well enough. This deffinatley isnt the best one though so ya.

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 21. 2010 19:59

Kaj, please just level the other supports and dump the restorer off into space. You
WILL eventually get to bb6 level, whether it takes you 2 months or 2 years and you
will shoot yourself in the foot because you wont be able to use it, even though you
will be able to afford it. (youd be surprised...)

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 21. 2010 17:43

kaj I have 2 lvl 60+ repair base 11.
Got a few ammount of vets.
Interested or you will train new one?

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 21. 2010 16:18

Reach BB6 in 2 years and realize I do not have enough sailors to use the ship. <-- Me

And like previous replies said, I cried. lol Not literally... but it was a pain to level 2
new sailors to 115. Took about a year. And that's slightly faster than regular crew
considering I was leveling arm sailors for AA gunners.

As for fastest line... Only took me about 2 or 3 months doing the Hood --> Vanguard -->
Lion 2 grind. But that's with high level crew already...

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 21. 2010 15:47

"I am currently in a dunk . . . "

I do not recognize that as a ship on any line that leads to Lion II.

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 21. 2010 15:15

nelly>L1>L2 line would be faster only AFTER you can get to nelly since renown and repulse
are horrible compare to revenge/qe/kgv. The play style of pow and nelly is very similar as
nelly excels in damage with trip quad and trip quad while pow excels in speed. Since the
amount of exp you get depends on the damage you do, you will more likely get more exp in
nelly than pow.

  • Re : Whats the fastest line to L2?

    04. 21. 2010 13:42

"On BB6, you have 10 empty support slots. You will end up being 4 or 5 supports

All BB6 have only 9 support slot.

I have debated on whether to use Semen or not because of
what they are capable of. 2 years ago.. There wasn't enough proof that a semen would make
much of a difference.

I think I chuck my semen when I got back to NF after a nearly 3 year break from NF.. I
think it was an Elite Engineer Sailor that I changed into Semen..

Also, the advice everyone is giving you is the best advice you can get. Stop being lazy or
bogged down by how long it's going to take.

A journey of a 1000 mile begins with 1 step. Remember that..


"For the player that is skilled:

POW > L1 > L2.


Nelson > L1 > L2."

That's not quiet true.. I think it takes more skill and brains to drive a Nelly then a
bloody POW but my comment and yours or only statements and not fact but from experience.
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