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U.S Navy


  • DDX Equip

    04. 26. 2010 10:01

Hey Guys,

Haven't been on in 2 years and started over on a new server. the NF team did not
want to transfer my data from the old server (Sucks)...

anyway, got a new DDX and need to properly equip it. Any advice?

Also, once my sailors upgrade, should i add more "recruits" right away or a few levels

  • Re : DDX Equip

    07. 20. 2010 10:40

7" Singles, I use so it's good that you let him in every shot gradul that you will take
200 damage and a few depending on the level of his shooting

  • Re : DDX Equip

    06. 01. 2010 02:57

7"s in Blitz, 5"s in GB.
You can pretty much outrange everything in blitz with the 7"s.
Since you can't do the same in GB, the rapid fire of 5"s is better IMO.
Myself and Hachioji score 50K-90K with that setup in GB using only guns.

  • Re : DDX Equip

    05. 31. 2010 23:05

If you want to make a brawler-short range-in your face typa DDX, go for the 5" 38 D guns.
They're light and they reload hella fast, should also enable you to carry a full crew
easily. Mix your ammo up with some HE (for small ships) and APC (for bigger ships) or AA
(if you use manual), move in fast and fill that poor bugger with holes before he even know
what's happening.

If you feel like joining great battles with the DDX as well, mount a depth charge launcher
and go sub hunting.

Personally, I fit 0.2" deck, 0.2" belt, 1 bulge and 2 bulkhead on all my DDs, if possible.
Allegedly these small amounts can help with protecting lives of your sailors and decrease
some torpedo damage. Bulkhead enhancements could give your engies something to work on
before you just instapop, but it's just my personal reference.

  • Re : DDX Equip

    04. 30. 2010 07:34

Bulge armor, as stated. But back off on the bulge a bit and get 0.2 belt armor as well.
belt armor gives a percentage reduction on torpedoes, mines, and things, which bulge then
soaks. The combination is superior to using just one armor type.

Oh, and moving to US Nation forum.

  • Re : DDX Equip

    04. 27. 2010 13:20

Unless your gunners are above level 50, don't use the Single 7s. Low level gunners will
give you very bad spread.

Instead, choose from the Dual 5/38L's, Dual 5/54D's, or the Dual 6s.

Once your gunners get good enough, then by all means put on the Single 7s and enjoy the

  • Re : DDX Equip

    04. 27. 2010 12:09

Engine space limitations. You'll find that certain Heavy Cruisers *cough*New
Orleans*cough* can mount larger engines than certain battleships *cough*Penn30*cough*

Just equip the highest HP you can and go with it. It won't go fast, but it'll be a good
kick either way.

  • Re : DDX Equip

    04. 27. 2010 12:05

Great thanks for the help.

Also, i noticed that I cannot put a DDII or DDIII engine on the DDX... what gives?

  • Re : DDX Equip

    04. 27. 2010 11:49

Don't use armor on the DDX.

-Armor is all or nothing; you either have enough armor to "bounce" the enemy shell, or
your armor does NOTHING at all and you take full damage. Bouncing Blitzkrieg-style shells
would require at least 7" of belt armor, and don't even worry about trying to bounce Great
Battle shells.
-It will only slow you down, and the DDX is supposed to be played as a fast and
hard-to-hit ship that can fire while running away.

The only armor you should use is bulge. Fill your ship with as much bulge as you can
before your speed decreases. You should be able to get 36/49 or something like that, no

  • Re : DDX Equip

    04. 27. 2010 11:23

thats guns only... what about armor? any advice?

  • Re : DDX Equip

    04. 26. 2010 18:24

Dual 6"/53 guns make for a good brawler of a DDX too. But the guns are heavier, shorter
ranged, and have limited ammo. Still, it's a decent option.
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