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Marine Nationale


  • MN Supports + BB5

    04. 26. 2010 16:15

Just wondering what people have done for their BB5 support crew, if they have
gone 4/4 engy/rep or what variantion they are running and how well is it working for

Also is suppervetting support sailors a viable option as well?


  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    05. 03. 2010 19:55


Just like all the other BB6s

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    05. 03. 2010 16:30

It is almost impossible to reach MN rep cap with 5/3, 2 sets of gunners, BO and scout.
Even if the reps were elite and the rest of the crew had +11 base in rep, you would still
need to vet higher than 200 on all supports.

I ran a few quick numbers and this is an approximation, however still not far off.

As for the crew I am leveling:

2 acc and 2 rld gunners

My reason for the extra engie is incase the BB6 has few(or many) slots for AA/HH. If too
few slots, I'll stick the extra engie on and equip a few HH using only 1 rld gunner. If
there is a ridiculous amount for AA I have the option to put half the AA on and run an
extra engie. I could also sell or trade the extra engie so its an overall win-win.

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    05. 03. 2010 10:58

repair fast with only 2 reps ... for my low lvl and not over vetted supports

so 2rep/6engys ^^

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    04. 27. 2010 09:17

When talking about how your supports are going to be you say in order usually
engies->reps. Everyone assumes you carry a scout. Also you say the total aount for
the bb6 setup. So yes i have 5/3 with a scout, aa gunners(2 total), main gunners (2
total) and a bo.

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    04. 27. 2010 08:32

6/2 engy-rep.

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    04. 27. 2010 06:00

3 reps + 4 engys + 2 ACC+2 Reloads + 2 scouts in case they ever release bb6:D

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    04. 27. 2010 01:33

5 Eng/ 2 Rep for me.
Minus the BO, 2 gunners and a scout, that leaves 3 empty slots in the potential MN
BB6, which I will fill with pilots.

That way, I can have both MN BB6 and CV6 (assuming they're ever released) with
minimal crew required, since I can interchange to make up the numbers.

But for now, I'm using the extra slots to level KM and IJN crew. So while I'm grinding
MN to 120, i can also work on my KM and IJN BB6 crew at the same time. Kill 2 birds
with 1 stone.

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    04. 27. 2010 00:28

4-4 setup here. Also got a scout. So when BB6 comes out ill have enough sailors.

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    04. 27. 2010 00:05

i use 3 reps and 4 engys
and a scout
alsace has only 8 support spots (or do all of you does not scouting ?)

  • Re : MN Supports + BB5

    04. 26. 2010 18:34

6/2 gunna have lots of vets on my reps
1 2