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Marine Nationale


  • Alsace range

    05. 02. 2010 00:00

Anyone got any idea how does Alsace's range compares with other nation's BB5?

  • Re : Alsace range

    08. 30. 2010 06:20

Nah, just show me your test. You documented it, right?

  • Re : Alsace range

    08. 29. 2010 19:15

Just get any of your friends together, line em up, and fire. Not that hard, let me know
if you want me to walk you thru the process there bud.

  • Re : Alsace range

    08. 28. 2010 19:41

Pics or it didn't happen.

  • Re : Alsace range

    08. 28. 2010 00:02

I enjoy reading this, everyone describing ranges. We took every bb5 and lined em
all up and fired. They all landed the same. So moving forward or away is the only
factor that is going to happen with your range. The Alsace is a beast, and range
isnt a factor. check the angles and velocities, faster than ijn, but lower angle.
Same angle and faster then RN, but larger shell. Technically if you read the stats, i
would think that the US 16" traveling the fastest at a 45 degree angle should way
outrange the others, but hey its navy field. The easiest for us was to just line the
boats up.

However i do so enjoy all these postings of ppls "scientific" responses.

  • Re : Alsace range

    08. 05. 2010 09:06

It has been tested and proven that the alsace has the same range as montana.
Both shooting at the same range with their hitboxes equal, they shoot the same
range. It may seem like Alsace has less sometimes range due to it's spread, but it's
only because of it's spread.

  • Re : Alsace range

    07. 30. 2010 08:42

it's really crappy.
i never got sunk by an Alsace on my L2, ever.

  • Re : Alsace range

    07. 30. 2010 04:02

i would like to atleast have 30k DP on it orther than that its a beast
in battle i have seen a QV take a full hit from just the front guns and almost be one
shotted.. maybe he had no SD but this ship does hurt alot..

  • Re : Alsace range

    07. 30. 2010 03:36

its a sweedish clam whisker shorter then lion2

  • Re : Alsace range

    07. 24. 2010 07:46


  • Re : Alsace range

    07. 23. 2010 20:30

yah but when you press space on a SY you know your shells will land there
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