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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 03. 2010 19:47

After you place
in your IJN - CV5 or CV6 there are 3 Free Slots.

What are you running in these 3 Free Slots
and what is your SD?

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 08. 2010 16:15

I have also read that Seaman and Medics Cancel,
and that you cannot use 2 Seamen.

Then there are later posts that you can have 2 Seamen,
and Medics no longer are cancelled by Seaman.

I wish, Navy Field cared about their customers enough
to assign someone to delete posts that are CURRENTLY

Fog of war is fun, but leveling up a Sailor to Level 120
then not using him is depressing.

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 05. 2010 23:32

De Grasse

1x Engineer
2x Gunners

I use those three because they were the closest (by far) to 115. I suppose if I had a
choice, I might rotate between gunners, restorer, seaman, and a medic. However, my IJN
restorer is far to low lvl, and I don't have a seaman or a medic. I do dislike going out
without anti-ship guns, especially with subs popping up outta nowhere, or DDs that the BBs
let slip by because they're too busy with other things.

I think during GBs I'd use a Medic/Gunners combo...and during HAs a Seaman/Rep/Engy setup.

While we're on the subject, I read somewhere on the forums that a Seaman and a Medic will
cancel each other out...anyone know?

I only ask because I have a low lvl KM CV crew...I have a Seaman, but no Medic. Wonder if
I should get both...

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 05. 2010 14:33

"we cant practically and objectively measure if this has any affect on his medical
effectiveness, but personally im not going to risk giving up a 75% increase in medical by
putting him on a t slot."

Cvs don't have t slots

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 05. 2010 04:25


only difference between the 2 setups is the location of the medic.

in the T slot, the medic adds 40 SD

in the support slot, the medic adds 70 SD (an increase of 75%)

we cant practically and objectively measure if this has any affect on his medical
effectiveness, but personally im not going to risk giving up a 75% increase in medical by
putting him on a t slot.

and as much as i like trainworld (which is a 3rd party website and not officially endorsed
by the developers), i must have missed the part where they offer any evidence or proof for
any of their claims about medics.

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 04. 2010 18:20

well dude u have a proof that you should not put medic on T or R slot?

well i did read these

i just get pissed off with the all the flying words say that do not do these and do not
put that put actually they got no evidence welli got it just read up there...

R and T or whatsoever is can work but yes they recommended to put medic on support slot
but as a CV you use that up for the pilot so R and T will be good

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 04. 2010 07:29

DON NOT put the medic in the T slot, put him in the Support slot. If you want proof that
it makes a difference, look at the ships total SD when he is in each slot, it will be
significantly higher with the medic on support.

i run a bo
6 fp
2 tb
1 medic (support)
1 seaman (T Slot)
1 restorer (T slot) (only lvl 87)
all bve

and have 862 SD

i was really suprised at how much SD the seaman adds

combine that with 2 inches of belt and 255 bulge and you'll still get owned by subs.

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 04. 2010 06:42

You can always stack on the bulge and still have leftover displacement. Hell I have .2
belt and 255 bulge, still have room leftover for guns and 3-4k displacement.

I tested it and with guns I can have either 5" deck or 14" belt

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 04. 2010 04:33

after put 8 pilot the last 3 slot (1 at the support slot + 2 at the ship)

i will put
- CV seaman at the support slot
- medic at the gun slot at the ship
- engy in another gun slot or restorer

why an engy, in my opinion for the maximum speed or overheat less then 37 knots is not
good for running or dodging from torpedo so for me min 37 knots for overheat is the
minimum of the speed that i should obtain

why not using a gun... well you play IJIN by the way if i want to put full fighter such a
waste in IJIN because KM and US way better so instead i put a lot of fighter pilot i
rather sac 2 spot for bomber or even 3 spot for a bomber

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 03. 2010 20:55

Elite bve fighter

Fighter stat is +15

Bomber is +13 I believe

Everything else is +9 except torpedo which is useless anyway >_>

As far as I know there is no known way to test if seaman works, however I like the extra
100-200 sd he gives as well as decent rep rate. I find that with micro I can kill most
other cvs fps

  • Re : IJN - CV5 and CV6

    05. 03. 2010 20:51

The EBVE Seaman

Is that a 13 Bomber or 13 Fighter with everything else a 9?

Is there any Technical Way to see the effect of the Seaman

The 2 Chief Gunners are Regular not DP CHF Gunners? What Guns?

Great Answer. Thanks. Keep the answers coming.
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