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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • b65 engine issue

    05. 05. 2010 08:10

I have play with B65 for a long time, but still wondering which engine is best on this

I tried BB IV engine (heavy)
CV IV engine (heavy)
CV III engine (heavy)
BC engine (heavy)

Which i should use?
The BC engine has the greatest horse power...
but when i equip this engine, it only show 36knots (as max speed)
I use CV III engine (it shows 37knots)

why this is so????
which engine i should equip?

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 13. 2010 07:17

The b65 is delightful to play if you have an Amagi crew.

@TheFaller - That was hilarious.

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 12. 2010 12:45

Take the CV engine, you have greater max speed.
BC engine is a option with level 100+ engis.

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 07. 2010 10:39

so i should keep using CVIII heavy engine ???
all my engineer are lvl 86, i have 4 engineer ...

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 05. 2010 16:10

I don't have a B65 but I believe the CV III engine gives you higher overheat speed because
the OH % of the engine is higher.

So instead of just looking at the horsepower, look at the OH % too, there are some engines
with lower horsepower than one engine, but will give you a higher overheat speed.

Also, for the most part, once your engies can hit the OH speed cap, this usually won't matter.

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 05. 2010 13:46

"Go all torp luanchers with longest range torps (weakest dam/torp), if you want to
break up enemy lines."

Nelson players will cease to amaze me.

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 05. 2010 13:31

"This is not 2 years ago, it's time for BB to hunt Subs.
B65 is good for torping and gunship jobs. Why bother AA and
suddenly get shot by other BB ?"

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 05. 2010 13:09

"Go all torp luanchers with longest range torps (weakest dam/torp), if you want to
break up enemy lines. Those kids dont want to risk their bulge to test whether those
are 7k or 21k dam."

Use kita for torps, don't waste a bb slot...

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 05. 2010 13:04

Lol how pro is that? This is not 2 years ago, it's time for BB to hunt Subs.
B65 is good for torping and gunship jobs. Why bother AA and
suddenly get shot by other BB ?
Go all torp luanchers with longest range torps (weakest dam/torp), if you want to
break up enemy lines. Those kids dont want to risk their bulge to test whether those
are 7k or 21k dam.

Shortest range torps with full speed to protect BBs.

Or med range torps to scare the crap out of them. Bcoz:
-> crit dive = wasting DP and oxygen
-> extra time for BBs to run away.
-> I even killed 1 or 2 subs in one wave.

Engine? I trust in BC engine. A / B, 1 extra knot at B does nothing. Unless it's 1 extra
knot at A, keep whatever engine gives the highest A speed.

By the away, being TW BB, dont AW. Bcoz:
1) Best for avoiding DBs.
2) Best for avoiding BB shells at early stage of TW campaign.

  • Re : b65 engine issue

    05. 05. 2010 12:51

Biggest horsepower if engies are capped
CV engine with highest horsepower if engies aren't

PROTIP: Don't use b65