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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • A quick question about IJN BB guns

    05. 10. 2010 18:54

Ohayo gozaimasu, people of Japan.

I'm curious about the Yammie and SY 18" guns (and even the Amagi 20" guns as well). They
have this unique hang time in their shells which is somewhat of an inconvenience to
aggressors but has it's own tactical advantage especially when a Yammie is chased (hence I
think this ship must be played more defensively in theory)

I've searched around the threads here but I mostly find just setups and how to use them
and I'm afraid I won't have the luxury of time in digging deep as I have other things to
research in NF.

So my question is, is the cause of the delayed shell landing due to the gun's muzzle
velocity? or is it more to the angle of the guns similar to HA in an USN Atlanta? Or is
it even a combination of both? Is this also the reason why the 18"s hit very hard
(plunging effect) or are the shells really damaging by themselves?

Misc. question: Are the guns also historically accurate?

Thank you for the time.


  • Re : A quick question about IJN BB guns

    05. 11. 2010 07:55

The hang time actually comes from it's range+45 degree.

Damage changes little between the angles as I've found out, but the 45 degrees is
definetly nice to destroy AW ships.

  • Re : A quick question about IJN BB guns

    05. 10. 2010 19:15

Well to answer you honestly,

Yammy and Super Yammy guns suffer from slow shells. Its not so much the muzzle
velocity as the shells are just really slow. Couple with the high angle (45*) This makes
hitting or finding the right lead difficult. Granted with enough practice its a non issue.

Secondly, for damage. Because of the guns high angle, it defeats armor very easily.
Also, the higher you go into the angles numbers (barring UK) the heavier the damage.
Also, the shells themselves do have a powerful charge.

Finally, the Yamato Guns are not historically accurate as that would defeat the national
advantages of KM and UK (Hard Hitting and Long Range).