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  • Game Opinions of a Noob (Boarderline Long)

    10. 24. 2005 16:48

The following are my thoughts on this game after a few weeks of play -- level 33 BO. First off, I am a gamer and have been for my entire life of more than 40 years. I've played everything from turn based LAN Conquer to CnC Generals and everything in between -- MOO, StarCraft, AoE, WoW, EQ, Duke Nukem, StarFleet Command, Starwars Battlegrounds, Call of Duty and countless others. I've played the Hell out of board games like Risk, Empire, chess, Axis and Allies뀂ou name it, I love a good board game. I know I suck at twitch shooter games and I excel and RTS and thinking games. I really love naval battle games, even navy battles in space -- Star Fleet Battles anyone?

I don't expect my thoughts to carry a ton of weight because I haven't been at this for a year like many others, but some observations don뭪 take a year to make. First off, I want to offer kudo's to the NF team for designing one Hell of a clever game. I admire your efforts in terms of game play and visuals.

So, here are my thoughts so far. I'm sure if I played for another six months I could get back and bitch about AAA or CVs, etc. but this is it꿲y noobs perspective...

Things I'd like changed.
1. There should be no difference between Manual Fire and Auto Firing gun range. If gun can be made to reach a target manually it should reach it with auto. Set the gun angle at the lowest possible setting that will reach an extended target. The benefits of MF will then be the ability to HA attack and achieve a better grouping of shell placement. Some people (me for example) will never master MF.
2. XP. The difference between winners and losers in Convoy games should not be 10x.
2a Convoy games, which are easily stacked, should not be the most efficient way to grind XP.
2b Stop penalizing players XP for not moving their BO to their_next_ship.
3. Consider letting players switch between MF and AF through a toggle mid-game. Yeah, this will never happen but aid me tremendously.

Things that bug me
1. Friendly fire. Getting shot by someone on your own team by guns or torps fumes me. Their retardedness should not ruin my fun.
2. Sell back cost penalties discourage ship experimentation. How does that enhance my gaming experience?
3. Fubu's, Kits and Kuma's spewing torpedoes all over the map with relative impunity does not equal fun.
4. Torpedoes that miss but explode should not do damage! It missed for Gods sake!

1. Game crashes to desktop when entering a room, or occasionally when a battle starts.
2. Game bugs and auto targeting only moves the back guns or forward guns. You have to random click around the gun arcs to get it working correctly again whilst being pounded. Happens frequently while sword fighting another DD at acute gun arcs.
3. Game bugs and the guns move extreme slowly. Happens often when swapping the guns from one side to the ship to the to other. No way to fix this, but after clicking around the gun arcs for several seconds, it will usually start working again.

Other things. Minor stuff.
1. Game Resolution. There is no way to adjust the game resolution that I could find. I want this because I can't read the damages being done during battle as the print is too fine for my eye sight.
2. Combat Logs. You can't go back and analyze a battle. Log files would allow for clever parsing.
3. Replay. There is no in game way to record games and view replays of battles.

  • Re : Game Opinions of a Noob (Boarderline Long)

    10. 24. 2005 23:59

Thanks, Tosh.
Something I forgot include...
The manual aim mission isn't availble at L30 when it might really matter. I guess NF guys want us to learn it sooner. I glanced at it and figured I'd mess with it later not realizing it wouldn't available then. Please, please, please make that mission or a similar mission available to players who wait until L30 to do manual aiming.

  • Re : Game Opinions of a Noob (Boarderline Long)

    10. 24. 2005 17:08

well said for a noob