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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN Machinery Gunners

    05. 24. 2010 07:10

Okay, I am confused as to weather they still work or not. Has their ability been
suspended, or do they work? And if they work are they worth the crew slot they would take
up? I would assume you only need one on board, or do they stack? James.

  • Re : IJN Machinery Gunners

    05. 25. 2010 08:20

please refer to Longrooster's stickied guide to DP gunner levelling for full details.

  • Re : IJN Machinery Gunners

    05. 24. 2010 21:06

To brazucatb; I haven't leveled the one I have I was about to start a new set, so I wanted
to know which way was the best way to go. Thank you for the reply. James.

  • Re : IJN Machinery Gunners

    05. 24. 2010 19:45

well i hope you'll read this in time
If tour goinng to work on dp gunners, don't class them on time!!!
wait as long as you can as arm sailors(pretty easy, since arm sailors gets like 50%
extra xp, and can be ASW, and you can't realy use AA in any bb1-3)
reason, well as explained above, AAW ability is useless, and what classing to dp do,
is decrease reload to increase it will be a lot harder to hit cap(lvl110+ if its
like +11 base)
i've sold my old dp gunners and i'm lvling new ones, they are still arm sailors and lvl
89 now...people say lvl 62+ is enough

  • Re : IJN Machinery Gunners

    05. 24. 2010 07:52

Thank you for the quick reply. I'll work on DP gunners then. James.

  • Re : IJN Machinery Gunners

    05. 24. 2010 07:49

In other words... don't bother with them at all.

Those slots on your ship are to valuable to be filled with useless sailors.

  • Re : IJN Machinery Gunners

    05. 24. 2010 07:43

No one knows how they work, since they never work properly in game.
We don't even know if they stack or know nor knowing what they are supposed to do.

The description in the sailor tip, is completely incoherent most of the time. All we know,
is they were meant to make ship performing better with its AAW.

You should know that, Navyfield North America removed the IJN machine gunners, because
they fail at working properly. Since french nation came few months ago, they decide to put
them back. Yet, they still fail at working properly.

Schedules have been *planned* for a fix. Hopefully, they may come back in the few years
coming or just never be fixed.