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  • Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 24. 2010 07:20

I'm in a revenge. It's getting boring again. Last time this happened I found myself in a
yorktown going 'wait, what?'. Anyone got fun ideas that can be done in a BB1 in a GB2?

(I can't blitz anymore, sadface :( )

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 26. 2010 03:08

i have a BB1 i know how hard it is especially when your food ut if you keep your chin
up and destroy many CL and DD and maybe attach fireworks on AA slots just to add
to each victory you will see how fun it is ... NOT lol but yeah this is like learning to
walk enjoy the good times coz you wont get the fun when you get to higher lever BB
as you will alwys be targeted first haha

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 25. 2010 17:41

The word Grind and GB2 should not be used together. All you have to do now is land a
single shell and if your team kills the flag you'll get over 10k exp easily.

Sticking near your teams BB4/5/6 can be great if the enemy tries to rush them and thus
comes into your range. Don't get in the way though. It works both ways as well of course,
when your BB4/5 make a move you can follow them in and can be sure not to be the priority
target for the enemies shells.

Never make a move by yourself down the middle at the start of the game like I see so many
newbies do. Navyfield players do not care if you are level 1 playing your first game, or if
you make pleas to just let one shell hit or what ever... if you come into their range they
will shoot you.

If you want to break up the "grind" a bit if you are sick of being sunk in the BB1 you can
always jump in a block shotting York and play for the lolz.

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 25. 2010 12:06

The Revenge isn't an IJN ninja ship. I wouldn't even try rushing when the enemy BB line
is still strong, it'll just get you killed faster.

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 25. 2010 08:05

I do have to say this: The Revenge is very much like an SS1 in that you don't have the
ability to press an attack. The SS1s don't have "air"-time, and the Revenge doesn't have
the range, even with 15" Mk IIs. What they both can do is hold the line. As long as a
friend is keeping your enemy blind as they push forward, you can lay a very nasty ambush
for anyone wandering your way. You're not really fast enough to retreat with the rest of
your fragmenting battle-line, so take your rather sledgehammer-ish guns and play rear guard.

And in terms of guns, I really have no idea what the range comparison between the Mk.IIL's
and the Mk.IIID's is... but if you have the Mk.IIID's, then you're probably using a Queen
Lizzy, in which case, you've no need to dust off the Revenge. Whatever the Revenge can
do, the Queen Lizzy can do better. Though not with as much flair.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 25. 2010 00:31

Yeah, you miss the speed of the REnown with the Revenge. I currently have the Renown and
it is the most ninja hit'n;run BB1 in the game because no one expects anything to hit them
from it, ignore it, and then it lands a few UK 15'' shells and everything goes PEWD!

I like your centre camping policy - its very clever.
Pompoms are a good idea if you want to just enjoy it a bit more.
County with blockshot'ing 6''/8'' is also interesting although it's MUCH worse than the
Dunkerque - umm, what can I say? You get the Lizzy in a few lvls so you may want to not
waste money if you dont have to.
Play style? Try and attack when the enemy are retreating through the centre, especially if
one side of the map has fallen to your teammates.

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 24. 2010 19:14

I saw u earlier - ur an at level bb1...

So (and this will apply to QE) u need to try and survive to the end of battles. Try and
engage a bb that is already busy fighting someone else.

Kill any smaller ships that come in range and prevent them from scouting ur sides bigger BBs.

Always steer slightly away and make the bb3/4s chase u.

And stay away from big meanies in their bb5/6.

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 24. 2010 18:24

Yeah, he's already got the York though (which means that he should be blockshotting well
in GB *cackle*).

One thing I'll say: Don't think of the Revenge in terms of your Repulse grind - there's
only nine levels to go before Queen Lizzy goodness =)

Oh yeah, and like someone said already - the Revenge packs a -huge- punch for a BB1. I've
chased down and killed a KGV with it before (granted, he was a terrible shot, but still,
there's that). Good luck with your grind =)

~ Ferrard

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 24. 2010 15:04

Go and level up a York :)

Blocking stuff to death always gave me great satisfaction.

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 24. 2010 14:36

One thing I did was to go north or south (where the FC was better) and rush throuth the
sides... with luck you can get very good hits on a BB4-5. I had BB3 gunners at the time so
my spread was better.

Playing in the center is also a good choice.

  • Re : Ways to liven up the BB1 grind?

    05. 24. 2010 10:36

revenge is the best bb1 in the game (atleast for the 4 'classic' nations)
use the lvl 58 L guns, you get a bit less range than lvl 69, but u get a better spread,
better damage(it packs a quite a huge punch for a bb1) and i think a faster reload,
can't remember...
with those guns, if u get some1 in range, you can make quite some
now comes to the point, how to get in range with a 30 ish OH
well first never fictory(rushing senseless hoping to hit something before its over)
i would say hread north, staying out of every1 range, and hitting smaller ships that
are fictoring...u can stay at that role the whole battle, but with revenge you have
the option to try to get the bigger bbs, to do so wait for the oportunity (either a
bigger bb is advancing, than you will be ignored, or the enemy is blind, so its good
to save your overheat for an oportunity like that, don't just keep using)
than when u get some1 in range fire away...
the revenge line shouldn't be just a grind, every ship in that line is enjoyable...the
renown/repulse grind is a whole other story
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