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U.S Navy


  • USN Belt Armor

    06. 09. 2010 01:33

Why can 9" of belt armor not bounce DD shells???

I am taking damage in the 150 range at times from DDs

And before you ask, it is green and not white, so they are belt hits and not deck hits.

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 13. 2010 09:57

Belt whored USN cas are funny. Besides NO no normal us ca can mount enough to bounce
anything. I had a Belt whored Portland rush my AW sirus. I bounced his 8" shells and he couldnt
bounce my 6". Even better if you are in a CA. just run away and rain shells down on their decks
for free food.

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 13. 2010 06:01

Ahh the days of the AW Q class lol

Its pretty bad how things have got, lvling up a new USN crew these last few weeks and
ended up just loling around in a brook with the trip 6 ns... everyone just rolls in to
range and wonders why they get smoked the hobbit map being the worst culprit of making
this the best way to rack up some attack in blitz

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 10. 2010 09:57

They'll learn as they get sunk each and every time. Also, unskilled bb5 = food for bb4 and
bb5 =D...

I have no complaint here =D..

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 09. 2010 21:43

Who says it dosnt work in GB? With the way SDE keeps giving these retards more and more
exp for doing nothing skill is rapidly deteriorating.

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 09. 2010 15:11

@ LK, After wandering into blitz yesterday, I was very tempted to go from
my Neut Ships to UK because everyone was AWing. Sadly, although the
option to change map types is there, 99% of the players use the hobbit
map OR when I host with a "normal" map, a lot of players leave the room.
It's a sad thing that something so simple as the shortsighted decision to
change the default map has turned the game into a AW/TW slug-fest ~
dare I say, to a greater extent than it was before.
Some might say it makes the game more fun for the newer players...
Perhaps for now but I think it makes the cold slap of reality hitting them
later (when it doesn't work in GB) even that much more painful.

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 09. 2010 10:05

IIRC, back in the day when belt armoring was practical (Q class lol), you need
something like an amount of belt equal to the caliber of the shell hitting you to bounce
it, 6" belt to bounce 6" shell, and so on. But this was probably back in the day when
people were still using LHE for maximum range rather than bum-rushing the other guy
and firing torps in your average Noobskrieg game.

Simply put, don't use belt except for 0.2" (to halve torpedo damage), maximize your
speed, and attack from range where those DDs can't even shoot at you.

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 09. 2010 08:18

It could also be that some of the DD are using HE Heavy, sacrificing some range for the
extra damage. You might have enough belt to soak HE light from certain guns, but not HE
heavy. Depends on the gun.

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 09. 2010 02:46

A big question is at what range are you trying to bounce these DD shells?

My understanding is that guns get more powerful as you close range, and while 9" of belt
might stop a 6" shell at angles 7-15, it might not be enough to bounce at angle 3.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : USN Belt Armor

    06. 09. 2010 02:16

I was going to ask what you were doing with belt....
About the damage... maybe AP?