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U.S Navy


  • Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 09. 2010 22:21

Cheers all,

To any one who is thinking about starting a US BB crew going down either line, I recomend
leveling your gunners however possible way over your BO level. To be specific, once you
get to your bb3 i recomend having at least level 100 gunners.

Reasons being:
1. As in any other nation/ship, the better your gunners, the more fun you'll have with the
"grind." In fact I'd venture to say that you might even have fun leveling your crew.

2. Regardless weather you decide on North Carolina or South Dakota, unless there is a
spread buff in the near future, odds are that 95% of the time your spread will suck,
massive suckage to be honest. Even if you try the Sevestapool it will suck. (keep in mind
im stating that it will suck with sub 100 gunners.)

3. Both the South Dakota, and the North Carolina are extremely deadly ships, and extremely
fun if you can hit half the crap you shoot at.
- South Dakota is fast, hard to hit, hits hard (if your spread does not suck balls).
- North Carolina is decently fast (42 knts with my crew :S not sure if it can go faster),
Hits hard + with its 45 degree guns you can get massive range boost if played right, and
those same 45 degree guns give you huge dammage outputs.

That being said, I strongly reccomend lvl 100+ gunners for US bb3 and beyond, heck if you
can do it from BB1 on, screw blitz.

I would even recommend this to the extent of saying dont use US as your first crew, it is
difficult to play stupidly, and having another crew to help power level is a huge bonus to
take advantage of.

Hope this helps any one debating or looking for a new opinion on US bb's.

P.S. They are imo one of the most fun ships if your crew and *gunners* are up to the task.

Oh yeah, and NorthCal rocks :D

-> Good point Bleach, the only real reason i said that was if you have a higher crew
first, you could level it using that ship/ nation. ie i leveled my US gunners using my UK
bb crew, first pow, the L1 then L2. :D

-> EasyGreen, your right, every nation it is recomended, however it is not normaly
nessesary to have your gunners between 50-30 lvls higher than your bo, sorry to bore you.

-> Rapter, Noted, I dont notice the engy problem quite as much given my crew is all elite,
and if you look at the speed cap chart, wel i hit the speed cap for eery shp at level, but
i respect and under stand the need for better engies too.

->NinjaFroggie, skill is alway prefered, and just because you played through a crappy
grind that was long given your spread/crew issues, does not make you automaticly skilled,
and just because i forsaw a probem, leveled gunners on different crew, so i can be a
greater asset to my teams, does not make me a noob. try not to be so dam nastalgic and one

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 16. 2010 09:00

I have lvl 90 gun gunners and lvl 84 support crew on my NC and for now it is going 44 with
30 bulge.

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 14. 2010 18:46

SONS are the BB players that still send shivers down my Spine...

Yeah, and Windjungi has returned to the Nelson about something to
fear...WindJ talent in a Paris...egad....

I never drove the Veda, i went the Brook to Balt to Alaska to Guam...WOW...Had fun at one
time with the Dual 14s on the well as the Dual 16s...No range but hit like a
freight train...

Nevada was the only BB i never was afraid of in my Dual 14 Guam...Wondering why??? NinjaF
answered that question...O the good old days of playing a CL1 for 3-4 Weeks then a
CL2....Praying you wouldn't see a PCL...Spread was shotgun...

the one thing i do remember was the BBs shot BBs and generally left FF-CAs alone till the
end...the good old days...

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 14. 2010 16:18

Ninja all im saying is your points are irrelevant to what im saying, What is wrong with
suggeting using better guns? weather your guns hit where you aim or not has no impact on
how good you are, if anything it makes you a better asset for your team.

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 14. 2010 14:18

And, as previously pointed out, some of us SONS still kinda suck. Myself included. =)

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 14. 2010 13:05

Because you've never had to overcome the kind of handicap that real SONS players did.
Playing nevada then was the NF equivalent of trying to win a formula one race while
driving a minivan....and WE DID IT. Not one single player that has come along since has
had to face that kind of hurdle without the help of buffs, shared xp, vet and expert
packs, boosts, and premium accts, and consequently none of you learned how to stay alive,
how to attack, how to scout, and how to move anywhere near as well as the old guard did.
You guys went through NF boot camp...SONS went through NF seal training.

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 14. 2010 12:53

Cheers all, i was gone for the weekend with Navy,

NinjaFroggie, why is it that just because we are not "sons" that we automaticly suck and
quite frankly, until you play against us in a room of any kind, please hold your opinions
about how good or bad we are. Anyways, thank you for the history lesson on how far the
nevada has come.

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 12. 2010 03:52

Oh the horrible memories.. moving around at 22ish knts and outranged by
everything and once you committed to a fight it was to the death. You could neither
outrange nor outrun your opponent.

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 12. 2010 03:12

at one point in time nevada had 28 knts max speed (yes that OH speed) and CA range,
combined with AA slots too small for even effective singles. Combine that with all earned
xp only, and you had a ship that unless you were at least decent you would actually lose
xp playing it. An AW'd Moltke with 5.9s is a far superior ship to what the suckvada once
was...the moltke is tougher, thinner, faster, more manueverable, has vastly superior rate
of fire, vastly superior spread, and about comparable range to the suckvada. Quite
frankly i havent met a single player thats started playing after shared xp started and has
enough skill in a BB for me to respect them as a legitimate threat. People get lucky from
time to time, but none of you will ever be windjunge, hilfiger, st. francis or m1491. If
you really want to learn us BB, outfit a nevada with a CL engine and dual 8's and then
grind 10 levels in normal (non shared xp) rooms without a prem acct.

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 12. 2010 00:12

why people comment something bad if he only telling his side. how arrogant..

  • Re : Killer Ship Lurking in the Shadows

    06. 11. 2010 17:20

SONS = Survivors of Nevada Suckiness. Back when Nevada was god-awful and easily
the worst BB in the game.

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