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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Super Yamato Gun

    06. 16. 2010 13:50

Hi there,

After recently getting my Super Yamato, I've loved playing in it. It really is a competitive
BB5 and makes you think before you act.

However, when I first got into it my gunners were lvl 103 and the spread was great.
Blocks and if it wasnt it was very tight. Now however I GAINED a lvl (104) maxed out
recruits 109 vets 500 experts and the spread is crap. Like Kongo crap... WDF?

A fleet mate suggested I go back to Yamato and play there until 110. Now that sounds
like a good idea but the range difference is bugging me as I'm used to a little more
wiggle room against BB5s and 6s..

So.. suggestions?

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 18. 2010 03:31

Thanks mate :)

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 18. 2010 03:17

Stick with SY, both yammi and SY spread suck until your gunners are way beyond 110 :)

but at 120 you will be the one laughing with almost block shooting BB4 and 5 :)

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 18. 2010 02:58

Thank you,

I understand the accuracy/reload cap that at one point recruits/experts/vets dont make
a difference.. level does.. but my question is:

Would it be more wise to level my gunners to 110 say, and then go back to SY? Or
should I stick to SY and be a possible liability..

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 17. 2010 22:08

That's a lie! Panda is ub0r 1337 runner. You could never possibly land 8/9 shells on him.
Ever! ;D

As far as SY spread. Your gunners have hit accuracy and most likely the reload cap as
well. However, the spread will generally improve with the more levels that you put on the
gunners. Currently have the same problem with my own now that I've restarted my IJN BB
crew. level 107 and the spread to me is atrocious from what I used to have with lvl 120

As pitt said, there is essentially a "cap on the accuracy cap" Your gunners hit the
accuracy cap, but can still get better through leveling rather than adding more vets/experts.

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 17. 2010 21:46

Heh, once you gunners reach 120, you're spread on the yamato can get quite good
even when swinging, I've oneshotted BB4s and done 40kish salvos often in FLs.

Landing 8/9 shells on panda was amusing :D

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 17. 2010 15:52

Aah.. well to to summarize my gunners.

Lvl 104

Base 12/11


600 experts (added 100 to ea.)
109 vets
xxx recruits (filled in)

I do get some hella-good spreads now and then.. but still not as often as before :(

Also, in the case of the yammy, Broadside shots are beautifull, once I start shooting
off axis it gets a little fuzzy

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 17. 2010 09:22


Until that 1 in 3 chance of a random spread.

Yamato spread at lv 120 does get very good without too much spread problems

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 17. 2010 08:06

There at lvl 80 or so they hit the ability cap yes, but if you read that post on caps
again you will the there is a level dependant component in (a level cap caping ability).
You spread will get better slowly. At lvl 120 however you SY spread will be THE BOMB.

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 17. 2010 07:26

I just ran a spreadsheet. If you had a gunner with base accuracy +9 and unboosted,
with 109 v, 500e, 100% recruits, that gunner hits the (new, higher) accuracy cap at
level 80. If boosted, higher base, hits it earlier.

That gun probably has wider spread which is what accounts for the wider spread.

Interestingly, if you had a +10 reload gunner, which is boosted, with 109v, 500e, 100%
recruits, you hit the (new, higher) reload cap at level 99. If anything you should be
taking recruits off to save weight.

Actually now that I've done these calculations, I should probably lighten up the load on
my gunners.

  • Re : Super Yamato Gun

    06. 16. 2010 19:45

With 500 experts you'd have about 200-300 recruits on there...
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