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Royal Navy


  • acc gunner has better range than rld ?

    06. 25. 2010 10:37

just wondering , or they are same range ? if them use same Level gun ? can
someone tell me ?

im using KGV now , which i switch the FCS from aming to finder , my gun range was
reduced . so the FCS reduce the gun range too ?

  • Re : acc gunner has better range than rld ?

    07. 01. 2010 14:38

As stated before, the problem is that ur guidelines got bigger with finding,
that's why u think you have shorter range

  • Re : acc gunner has better range than rld ?

    07. 01. 2010 06:42

spread is calculated by 0.x degrees variations on the degree u selected when firing.

so if u fired at 30 degrees, some shells will be fired at 30.5 degrees and some at 29.5.
more horrible accuracy gives greater difference and randomness in the final firing angle
for each shell. it can actually make u hit farther and with little more damage. but
at last u will lack coherency and will find urself in a shotgun mode where u will be lucky
if 2 shells actually hit. even with horrible accuracy, for the random god, u can actually
fire some rare time something that resembles a near blockshot (happened to me lots of

  • Re : acc gunner has better range than rld ?

    06. 28. 2010 10:57

Gun on any ship have the same range.. Just the spread or either tighter or horrible
depending on the FCS and your gunner accuracy.

  • Re : acc gunner has better range than rld ?

    06. 28. 2010 00:08

You want the truth? Rld gunners give you more range in the wrong way.

At low lvl bb1-2 ur shells most probably have HORRIBLE SPREAD, and it will ultimately
results in the fact that there will be stray shells, some giving you more range...

However, as you lvl up, this would not be the case.

Just for fun. Don't flame me. Just trying to make some sense :P

  • Re : acc gunner has better range than rld ?

    06. 25. 2010 11:40

Gunners, regardless of type or ability, have no effect at all on the range of a given
gun. Having low ability in accuracy may make the guns seem to have longer range
(or shorter) depending on how the shells spread, but the average range of several
salvos will be the actual range of the gun, and it should be the same as if your
spread was as good as it could get.

FCS also has no effect on the range of guns. What you were seeing is the increased
length of the guidelines from Finder FCS, which makes your guns appear to have a
shorter range, but they are in fact shooting just as far. Avoid Finder, though, the
accuracy revision sucks and it's worthless for gunships. Aiming is the way to go,
unless you're a CV or a torpwhore.
