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U.S Navy


  • Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 28. 2010 03:03

|o||| <<<<my attempted and failed drawing of the ticonderoga. The o's are the guns
|o||| My question is, if i shoot a broadside, do all the guns fire, or only the guns on one
||||| side? If its only the guns on one-side, theres no improvement in firepower from
|||o| essex. Which guns will fire if i shoot directly in front.
|||[[| How about the Midway? The guns act the same way?

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    07. 01. 2010 00:20


  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 30. 2010 06:05


error with trainworld?

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 29. 2010 13:11

Midway repair should be like 70k.

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 29. 2010 08:35

It is impossible to shoot your guns exactly straight...i think.
In the begining of a battle, you always have to turn your guns before shooting, and
if you turn them back, they're not exactly straight.

Also, about the Essex, it has the same broadside aa firepower as the pensacola,
which is an good aa ship.

Does trainworld have the wrong repair cost for midway, or is it like 7k? lol

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 29. 2010 05:45

if you are shooting directly in front, then you are either running from DB's, enemy BB's
or are the last ship. If you spot the DB's or TB's quick enough turn perpendicular to
them and open up with your AA guns. The essex is never really effective at downing
masses of planes with either 5/38's or 3/70'd unless you have godlike gunnners. The
ticonderoga gun spread is atrocious on the side opposite the ships island. Generally
going south in a tico solves this problem as the gun spread is tighter on the island side
of the ship.

As for midway, I have never driven one. Talk to ipie in game. He always seems to drive his.

EDIT: Run AA shells on the T slots, and maybe a 1 bind of HE.

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 29. 2010 03:06

Based on replies that Midway guns turn 180 degrees but only fire the guns on one
side, it seems that they act like t slots....wait, are they t slots?

I tried with my Essex, lol. Couldn't hit the planes and my APC shells went into my
ship, doing no damage

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 28. 2010 23:11

Go ahead.

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 28. 2010 18:28

Hmmm..if you had aa shells on the essex guns and a low angle, you could kill your
own planes as soon as they took off.

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 28. 2010 16:23

Yes. With Essex.

  • Re : Ticonderoga/Midway Guns

    06. 28. 2010 15:53

They turn 180 Degrees and only fire on the side they are mounted.

Just think for a minute, would you fire guns across the deck where your allies are taking
off and landing?
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