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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Working on torpedo skills

    07. 04. 2010 08:44

Right, so I'm trying to get better with my torp abilities. I seem to be having an odd
issue of always putting out more of a fan than anything else and I've never been
able to put a finger on why. Is there a trick to putting out a good wall?

  • Re : Working on torpedo skills

    07. 07. 2010 08:23

A good tip I read about walls with the Kita is to mount the 4 tube launchers instead of
the 5. Then have the 3 launcher group set to "wide" with the inner 2 launcher group
set to "narrow".

1) 4 torp launchers gives you more salvos. Gives you a chance to make a difference

2) the wide/narrow spread makes it really difficult for enemy ships to sail through your
wall. They are going to have to take at least one torp.

  • Re : Working on torpedo skills

    07. 05. 2010 11:18

It depends on how -much- you swing your guidelines back and forth. Given that the
guidelines don't actually point exactly where the torpedoes are going to go, that's just
something you'll have to learn with practice.

One thing I will say - if you want a tight, deadly wall as opposed to a wide and
intimidating, but easily combed fan, set your launchers to narrow and vary your aim only
slightly. The downside, of course, is that it only threatens a very small portion of
their battleline.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : Working on torpedo skills

    07. 04. 2010 12:30

I've made my way to the kita yes, and I'm firing on gradual- I'm wondering if its due
to whether or not I'm sweeping my guide lines aft to foreward versus foreward to

  • Re : Working on torpedo skills

    07. 04. 2010 09:40

hmm assuming you are on a kita. Are you firing on max velocity or gradual mode ? F4