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Marine Nationale


  • Starting MN

    07. 05. 2010 16:13

Which BB line should I go/Which one is easier for a nub like me?

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 28. 2010 23:09

Right now I'm doing the Courbet->Lyon->Paris line and i have to say no BB1 can match the
raw power of the Courbet's 6 2x 12" guns even if at lvl 56 you cant use those 4x
13.40"guns but when you get to the Lyon with the gold bar (lvl65 plus huge gunners) no BB1
or 2 will want to mess with you maybe even a BB3 is outmatched by the range and power of
the Lyon and also i was able to sink a BB4 with little help from the rest of my team
Another thing i went one vs one with a person in my clan who has a 2gold bar crew and the
first time we both sunk each other at the same time, the next time i barely won and then
the last i won with little damage on me so i think you should go with this line

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 21. 2010 23:55

if for bb

u should go for south line, courbet lyon and paris are good ships for people who
start to play mn (considering about the spread)

However, the north line : lorraine is a very powerful ship when u have high lv crews

if u have good skill, u can 1 vs 1 to bb5 with no fear

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 19. 2010 03:46

i have gone through both. the bottom one has a better AA setup the top has less AA at
the remodel level which can be very annyoing

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 19. 2010 02:32

Even if I didnt try the top line, I think the courbet line suits me better. With the
courbets lvl 54 requirement you get to have a TON of fun in blitz, I lvlved from 54 to 60
just in blitzes as courbet as I couldnt stop having so much fun. About the 3 levels up to
lyon grinding in GB2s, every BB1 fails here anyway. When you reach the lyon, your spread
will be a fail with the current gunners (atleast it was for me). When you get like 10 more
lvls up on your gunners, your spread will get much better and you will kick ass every
game. Personally I dont like the paris because I can play lyon much better with my style
of playing and its much deadlier than the paris. If you want to try the paris, qsure you
can give it a try, but I guess youll still come back to the lyon. MN is really fun until
you reach strasbourg, which imo I almost never used cause lyon outmatched this by far.
Rich is just a strasbourg with upgraded range and damage, I dont use this either, BUT, if
you plan to use it, I recommend using the strasbourg too, it just prepares you for the
rich. Alsace I have no idea about, I aint got it yet.

But well, heres the conclusion: if you want better firepower, go down the courbet line, if
you want to be sleeker, smaller size and harder to hit, go down the bretagne line. Im not
saying a line is funnier than the other, MN is just a fun nation overall.

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 08. 2010 18:34

either MN line is fun, until you hit the Strasbourg, grinding from lorraine/paris to alsace
is no fun but it is a fun low lvl nation to kick arse with...

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 08. 2010 16:31

I went Paris line and had good fun with it. Both look ok.

My advice: Go UK.

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 08. 2010 06:48

I have yet to try the top line, however, I pwned and thoroughly enjoyed the Courbet

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 05. 2010 21:50

Yeah I like the normandie line alot better also.
The CA is higher level so you have to wait like 2 more levels, but its worth it.

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 05. 2010 19:53

HAHA funny rehor! Top line you will have more overall fun since there is better
overall bbs.

The BB1 you get is in my mind the best BB1 in the game. It has really really long
range, 5 duals main guns, it has a small hitbox, and the whole top line goes
relatively faster than the bottom line does.

The top line is easier to play since they all have smaller hit boxes than the bottom
line and except for the lyon/normandie(BB2) guns, the top line guns have more
range. The real paris(BB3) guns have less range than the lyon/normandie(BB2)
guns, but the real lorrain(BB3) guns have more range than the normandie/paris

The Paris(BB3) and the Courbet(BB1) are small but wide and fat in the middles of
those ships.

Also the Smaller ships the CA/CLs on the top line are a lot more fun, expecially the

Of course the top line have their bbs at higher levels, but it will help you a lot when
you are making the lorrain(BB3) to strasbourge(BB3) grind since they are closer in
level. Also your ships crew gains experience by the level of the ship with of course
attack etc.

Bretagne (BB1)->Normandie->(BB2)->Lorrain(BB3)=TOP LINE!!!!!

  • Re : Starting MN

    07. 05. 2010 17:03

Strasbourg line.

The reason this section exists was to get the new players going.

Literacy FTW.