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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • exp question

    07. 09. 2010 12:23

guys, noob question here.

By sinking a BB6 for example, will I get different exp by driving Yammy or B65?

If so, which one gets more exp from it?


  • Re : exp question

    07. 15. 2010 21:03

B65 even hit a BB6 would be a wet dream....

My experience made me think the difference is the BO level, not the ship level. It
seems as my BO gets higher, the less experience I get for hitting the same ships.

Anyone have any imperical evidence to compare ship vs BO level?

  • Re : exp question

    07. 12. 2010 15:03

I don't think a B65 has ever sunk a BB6 in the history of NF.

  • Re : exp question

    07. 09. 2010 22:56

Lower lvl ships get more XP for hitting higer lvl ships Hence why subs get massive XP however
I've done this before back when GB2 started I sank the other teams Flag witch was a Yami and
I was in a Opro1 I got tons of XP next game got to delive a few hits and sink not as much xp.

However the Yami is more likely to sink something with its longer ranger and more hitting


  • Re : exp question

    07. 09. 2010 15:45

Thx man, that rly helps.


  • Re : exp question

    07. 09. 2010 15:06

The B65 should get more, as it's a lower level ship.

But the yamato has more potencial to do more damage than the B65, yielding more XP
in general.