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Marine Nationale


  • AA on BB123s

    07. 09. 2010 13:07

I have been using AA on all my MN ships so far but i have been wondering because i
haven't seen many people running AA on the BB123s mainly on the BB4 and BB5

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 23. 2010 07:28

As Longbow said Bretagne has great arcs and good placement of the T slots for
(about) the best AA on a BB1.
Normandie has slightly worse arcs and worse T slot placement, but still quite usefull
Lorraine has only 2 T slots per side with only 90 degree arcs, don't even bother
with AA.

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 22. 2010 17:41

I can only comment on the Paris Line as it is the only one i have tried so far. Generally
their AA arcs are piss poor, around 45 degrees per side as was mentioned above. I still
stand by their usefulness as anti sub. It is always a good idea to keep those reload
gunners on there even if you leave the T slots vacant, because you will want them at their
best when you get the BB4 and BB5.

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 22. 2010 10:38

AA arcs are bad?

i suppose no-one has tried the 180 degree per side AA battery that the brentage has
has, meaning i have a 360 degree coverage of AA

*note* have not got the remod yet

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 21. 2010 23:01

Im load in all m MN BB my reload gunners only for train my crew, remember u need in
the future for your BB5/6

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 20. 2010 15:41

well on the BB1-3 i used the T slots for HH. Since French use normal gunners for AA and
the arcs are so bad on the BB1-3, why not make those T slots useful for keeping subs at
bay (or small ships).

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 12. 2010 16:28

I prefer to run with reps instead. At least with the Rich it's a good setup.

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 11. 2010 03:48

i just got the lorraine and the AA setup is quiet bad.

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 10. 2010 09:37

Lack of support slots, and weight, would prolly most likely be why

  • Re : AA on BB123s

    07. 09. 2010 22:15

Well, the BB1's and 2's T slot arcs are kinda terrible (Lorraine lacks T slot numbers).
Barely a 45 degree arc it looks like. With a restriction to broadsided AA most simply
don't mount AA on them.

The Strasbourg can run a decent AA battery. Running 5 level 20 dual mounts or
three triple 6" mounts at the rear. Not a strong AA battery, so to preserve speed (or
bulge space) people go AAless.

The Richelieu and Alsace can both mount a plane shredding AA battery by sheer
number of T slots. The arcs on both ships rock too. To be honest without using the
great AA on the Richelieu the ship kinda sucks imo.

Been wondering, does anybody with an Alsace use the triple 6's for AA on those big
T slots? Effective? Not as much as a massive dual 3.5 battery?