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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Prolonging the DP gunners

    10. 24. 2005 18:24

I remember there was a post about this in the old forums, i can't see to find it on the new one. Is it true that if you prolong the Arm gunners until 42(the level which they turn into a dp gunners) they get better accuracy and reload times rather then changing them into AA gunners at level 20?

I heard that our aa guns are bugged too not really sure whats going on = (

  • Re : Prolonging the DP gunners

    10. 25. 2005 00:18

You should find +11 reload/+12 AAW. Even if you postpone changing to DP gunners you still get a decent AAW rating & Arm. sailor lvl up faster than AA gunner.

  • Re : Prolonging the DP gunners

    10. 24. 2005 18:26


changing them into AA gunners will give them higher AAW stats but around 5 less acc growth and 4 less reload growth