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U.S Navy


  • new mex or the colo??

    07. 11. 2010 22:39

well u get the idea this has been posted before by other players but anyways...

playing style: less armour for more speed but enough to stop somthing. likes range and
firepower, as well as a good spread (don't we all?). hates being an easy target. enough
speed in the ship to get me out of an enemys range if needed

new mexico: i like the look of it and the fact i get more guns but i like range and damage
to go with it and i don't like its slow speed (pls refer to lordkevlins BB guide)

colo: not that bad of a paint job and i love the 16" firepower but i absolutly hate the
grind to get to it

which one guys???

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 20:52

"Apparently nobody bothers to read the stickies anymore. Makes me wonder if it was worth
writing them in the first place. "

I agree with Lk therefor im locking this please read the stickies.

As for my personal Answer I enjoy the Colorado 16" dules and when i get bord the minimonty
setup is great once you get in range.


  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 20:20

What V2C said. Of course, silently reading/thinking about/following the stickies isn't
very obvious...

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 20:14

If it means anything LK, your old stickies helped me out quite abit in my early US grinds.
That is when you could still call it a grind :P

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 19:01

Apparently nobody bothers to read the stickies anymore. Makes me wonder if it was worth
writing them in the first place.

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 14:10

Is it just me or has this discussion been beat to death years ago? Read Lk's stickies and the
answer should be very clear.

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 12:39

The Guam is better than the NM 30 in most respects (speed, AA, scouts, AAW, and while
longer, is thinner. Also, it looks better.). The Colorado has the best turning force of
any US BB123, and better R-slot guns than the NM 45 (though the NM 45's AA battery doesn't
require you aim carefully like the Colorado's).

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 11:28

"Go with NM30 and Remodel to NM45 with 16 Duals which is has nice range."

Actually that is a very big disadvantage if you use the 16" duals on NM45. It only gives you 2 binds,
which hardly is enough to sustain a full out combat. Sooner or later you'll be forced to either switch to
the 14" or the 16" Ns. The spread is also nicer if you use the 14".

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 09:51

"playing style: less armour for more speed but enough to stop somthing. likes range and
firepower, as well as a good spread (don't we all?). hates being an easy target. enough
speed in the ship to get me out of an enemys range if needed"

Why are you playing USN?? Lmao, your play style is everything USN is not. except fire
power, ill give you that one. but range? nope, spread.. not really... easy target FO SHO!
enough speed.. well yeah its not bad.. if your lvl 100+.

if you want some advice, skip the armor (unless its bulge and a smidge of belt (0.2))
Speed is worth a lot more than bouncing 8" shells, it makes you less of an easy target
which was one of your stipulations. So take as much bulge as u can while not dropping
a knot of speed. And play real sneaky cause your food for every bb4 + out there.

On topic though, i would DEF pick the COLO. Why?: Cool looking + Versatile. You got
a lot more options with the trip 16" available. And once your end game, colo is just
way more fun. The short grind to 70 is definately worth it.

coming from a guy who has done that USN line 3 times already.

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 09:33

Alaska and Guam are actually excellent ships to grind in. BB1 is a rough ride in general,
but both those ships have speed and good AA armament, and that lets you exploit enemy
blindness to get your hits in.

NM30 is considered a bad ship because it's slower and has no usable AA armament, but most
all US BB1 suffer from this (except alaska/guam). The NM45 is quite a capable vessel,
though, and is a fine choice. The Colorado suffers only from narrow overlap angles on
it's R slots (not as bad as atlanta, but similar problem).

Either one is a fine choice, and you'll be spending a lot of time in Guam regardless. =)

  • Re : new mex or the colo??

    07. 12. 2010 07:53

ok then i'll try the grind to the colo (but the alaska won't make it easy) and i got
another BO coming along the line to get the NM (he is supposed to go the nevada line but
rly i hate the looks of those ships)
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