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  • Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 23. 2010 13:17

- For every ship in a plane or ships sight range, you gain X amount of exp per X

Would require a big coding change, but imo would be a fantastic change to the game if

An example would be, say 50 exp per ship every 10 seconds.

Obviously the exp amounts would have to be balanced, it would be far better than
slapping a rule in. If that means lowering general exp, and having this, then so be it.

Edit: Forgot the change about all types of planes.

Edit 2: Edited to include ship sight range

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    06. 04. 2011 10:30

Obviously, one primary reasons or motivators for this "exp bonus for successful
scouting" is to encourage players to use scouts, being probably half or more fail to not
use one?

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    06. 04. 2011 06:11

Go away altsein

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    06. 04. 2011 04:04

not enough is shared xp in game...everyone want xp--more xp 4 x style play to the point
where simply ruin game.stay 5(prem sub) min whit scout(use 2 for more xp) then rush to hit
1 bb5-6 and make over 10k dm and u are reward 70k xp..not rec this becose these types of
suggestions kill gb1 to gb2.what's next reward me 1 boost becose i sunk flag?

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    05. 15. 2011 16:15

el bumpo

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    05. 11. 2011 03:25

Great idea, rec'd.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    04. 25. 2011 08:40

Like the Idea,

Rec. from me

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    04. 21. 2011 08:42

recced, and bump. ps it would be very useful for lvling low level pilots when you need to
catch them up to a CV that you already have

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    04. 12. 2011 22:26

Rec'd. Great idea!

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    04. 12. 2011 15:16

good idea!


  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    04. 12. 2011 03:53

"Sounds interesting, but needs tweaking imo. Bound to be exploited."

Not quite sure how it would be exploited. People sitting there scouting for their team? That
would be a welcome effect.

If exp amounts are too high, adjust the amounts, or put a cap on exp gained from scouting.
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