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  • Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 24. 2010 23:22

I was wondering how necessary it is to keep leveling 8 pilots for RN CV since I'm not
sure that I'll ever need more than 6 (i.e. max 3 sorties with 3 more in prep.) I've
only reached Attacker level so I don't know what it's like at higher level CVs. The
other posts seem to treat having 8 pilots as a given for latter stage CVs but don't
really seem to talk about the pros and cons of having less.

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 27. 2010 11:22

I prefer 4ftr and either 4 bomber or some supports. It's better to focus all your premium
items on 4 fighters than spread them across 6 or even 8. It gets a little costly.

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 27. 2010 06:48

I play cv and I always use 6 pilots and often 8 on my pcv... Being that I have 6 fps
and 2 tbs onboard.

Usually I fighterspam but when there is dire need or i can't load anything else at the
moment I put out a tb flight to get me some attack as well.

It should be noted that there is an exception to the small but many flights rule for
fps... If you go up against a much stronger opponent it can help to load more planes
on fewer pilots as it helps to keep your planes concentrated.

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 27. 2010 06:14

crew death on planes is/has been removed (not sure if the patch has actually been
implemented yet) so dont worry about that any more. it may help reduce casualties
of other sailors, but most of your sailors will be pilots anyway, so better off having a
seaman than a medic i think

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 27. 2010 05:44

Thanks for all of the replies. Regarding the seaman - does it still add 3% to all
attributes? Secondly, is it a proven fact that a medic reduces casualties on your
plans? Some posts swear they do while others seem to imply that they don't.

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 25. 2010 20:56

When i had my uk cv I used 8 fp on it and had fun, but i also had 8 tb so i could play
how ever i wanted.. make sure you get a seaman or 2

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 25. 2010 20:09

From your post it is safe to assume that you are carrying all fighters.
So this reply will be on that it will be an all fighter cv.

Yes, having 6 fighter pilots will be more than enough. If you have the experience even 5
fighter pilots will make you a formidable adversary. Having more than 6 fighter pilots
though will give you additional tactics that you can use in battle.

Try to picture your (cv5) 10 fighter planes going against 20 enemy fighter planes. Or even
25 fighter planes swarming on top of your cv. Numbers can offset level difference to.

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 25. 2010 20:07

the idea being that at some points in time you are going to have both sets of your 6
pilots up. having 3 more alleviates the lag in loading while waiting for a group to
come back to the CV.

its all about getting your planes off the deck the quickest. TRUST ME, i tried playing a
3 pilot FW CV and I got wtfpwned, and that was a long time ago now, before CV5s

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 25. 2010 19:22

They got rid of that glitch for All CVs.

The idea is simple.
2 groups of 4 is twice as fast as 1 group of 8.
4 pilots = 16 planes up; 1 pilot = 8 planes up
Speed and spam to a CV = advantage.

The guy with the most planes up is one step closer to wining.

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 25. 2010 19:03

Thanks for the reply. I understand the need to split up your launches into
manageable plane sizes but still thought that 8 was a bit much (even assuming that
half are used as reserves for the planes that are already launched). I don't
understand the point about even 8 not being enough sometimes; I thought that 8
was the max you could have on an RN CV.

  • Re : Necessity of 8 pilots for RN CV

    07. 25. 2010 12:44

It's because you're not meant to launch 8 planes at once. You're meant to spread it
out and launch more smaller groups faster. That's why you want 8 and as a bigger
CV you might want more. Sadly, you won't get it. Your team will throw seashells at
you if you load large groups though and don't keep the skies clear or the enemies