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Royal Navy


  • Armor

    07. 27. 2010 05:11

I know the British have the best armor, but I want to know how much armor is needed to
stop certain caliber of shells. Not all ships are equal. Can someone just tell me the
amount of armor is needed for each ship to stop most shells.

  • Re : Armor

    07. 27. 2010 11:44

Keep in mind that if you bounced one 16" shells at max, it doesn't mean you will necessary
bounced another 16".

Take example of the 20" kaiser that get bounced with about 9" deck but nagato second set 16,1"
will smash the armour.

To asnwer your question, it's much more by trial and error that makes you know how much
deck it is requiered to bounce a specific shells.

The KGV/L2/L1( all 2 turrets) can carry over 9" deck, enough to bounce all km shells at
max, all gun set having under 40 degree(excluding bb5 guns), except the nagato first set
which can be bounced too.