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  • Any tips on how to ID planes?

    07. 29. 2010 17:55

I can't for the life of me ID any planes I see ingame. Trying to ID ships is bad enough
for me, but those tiny planes all look the same no matter how far I zoom in. Coloring
is the only indication that there's a difference, but that's not enough to tell me what
they are.

There's gotta be a trick to it, or at least a website or something that shows a pic of
each ingame. Trainworld lists them but those pictures don't help.

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 09. 2010 19:09

If someone have time, can they post screen shots of each of the planes in game, and
identify them? I think a lot of people will benefit from that too, as I also have trouble
identifying planes.

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 09. 2010 17:11

KM is easy
IJN is easy
UK is easy
US is hard

KM T1 Gray/Black
KM T2 a yellow head
KM T3 Black like bats

IJN T1 Gets killed to fast [ i know when i see them XD]
IJN T2 Gets killed to fast [ i know when i see them XD]
IJN T3 the Red Paper planes that always run away XD

UK T1 Easy
UK T2 Easy
UK T3 Brown little tanks

US T1 easy
US T2 bright blue
US T3 Blue

The only times i see a plane and i dont know what it is , is when its a US DB and

most of the times when you just look in battle in a week you know what is what.
most of the MN are purple.

i say its easy but i cant even get a picture of the plane in my mind XD [of the ones i
said nothing XD]

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 09. 2010 14:40

simple solution to this:

shoot down every plane not marked with green.

problem solved

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 08. 2010 00:18

lol If the plane is fast Its a fighter plane. When the shadow is pretty big Then its a
Torpedo plane. when its pretty small then its a Scout plane or Dive bomber

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 08. 2010 00:08

i would say the developers need to remake the skin for planes... they are just too ugly to
be identifyable.

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 07. 2010 23:34

As one of the new CV players (Just recently hit YT), I find a couple things help.
Remembering what every individual plane looks like is definitely the most surefire way to
distinguish them. This, however, also takes more time and experience.

This is a grocery list of what helps me ID planes as a new player:
1) Fighters tend to be more sleek and smaller looking (Not always the case, especially for
2) Torpedo Bombers are, in my opinion, one of the easiest to distinguish. They look like
biplanes and seem quite big. DBs seem to come in both varieties however.
**3) Behavior. This, above all else, helps me distinguish the type of planes they are.
Generally, it seems to me that fighters tend to circle more often and lay themselves in
the open, creating a sort of screen to blockade air traffic. This is also very dependent
on the player but it seems many leave their fighters in wide open formation. Now on the
flip side, bombers wave will tend to be packed tight in their formations. Players often do
this by zigzagging them and in order to minimize their spread (For TBs) and sync their
dives (For DBs obviously). Bomber waves also tend to show 2 types flight pattern. One,
they beeline at their target through all the flak and AA; these are usually bomber wh**es
in the opening of a battle. Two, they resort to border humping (Though frowned upon and
simply illegal depending on what Mod sees you or who reports you), or use similar
maneuvers to skirt the map in an attempt to avoid fighters and the general AA.

This is by no means a definite measure to IDing planes or even a competent method as some
people might see it. It's simply one of the ways I've figured helps me play the game as a
new player. Hope this helps if you're still bouncing about this thread. I myself only
played a short while during the beta and have returned only recently. GL!

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 05. 2010 11:36

The only really problematic planes are USN ones. ALL their planes look virtually identical.

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 04. 2010 01:18

Simple as play the game, and sooner or later you'll be able to ID most planes.

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 03. 2010 22:10

Sometimes it doesn't matter, especially if you're carrying AA - just shoot them all!

Priority (for me), if all things are in the same range, with inbounds more important than
1. DBs (easiest to shoot down - most gain for the least amount of work)
2. TBs (that are going to be in your firing range for a decent amount of time)
3. Fighters
4. Scouts

You may also wish to focus on aircraft for which you've gotten the angle - you probably
don't want to switch angles for a different batch of aircraft if you just found the one
needed for the one you're currently engaging.

  • Re : Any tips on how to ID planes?

    08. 03. 2010 16:35

Planes which look exactly the same:

US T3 FP = US T2 DBs
KM T3 FP = US T1 TBs
KM T1 FP = KM T1/T2 TBs

Try IDing by speed, IDing nations takes practice, took me atleast a year or so. By
knowing your opponents CV's and by observing speed, you can make an accurate attempted at
identifying the class, in conjuction with the knowledge of plane colors you can make 100% ID.

Slow planes = TBs
Medium speed planes = Low/mid lv FP / DBs
Fast planes = T3 FP (especially IJN and US)
Stupidly fast = Local FP
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