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Marine Nationale


  • BB,SS,or CV

    07. 30. 2010 09:34

ive been pondering and could make up my mind of which ship my french navy and it
will CV, BB, or SS. I need some help deciding which will help in the long run. Thank

/moved to MN from Suggestions forum
/edited grammar - lanthanide

  • Re : BB,SS,or CV

    08. 11. 2010 19:12

actually MN SS are pretty good

  • Re : BB,SS,or CV

    08. 09. 2010 14:12

actually km subs are great and i went cv first (km) and had no problem

  • Re : BB,SS,or CV

    08. 06. 2010 11:12

do not get ss its only good in ijn

  • Re : BB,SS,or CV

    07. 30. 2010 18:46

Go CV. Once you get your CV4 and Tier 2 DBs Go kill everything that you want.

  • Re : BB,SS,or CV

    07. 30. 2010 15:52

I agree with ferrard. Moved to MN.


  • Re : BB,SS,or CV

    07. 30. 2010 10:32

Obvious Troll is Obvious.

More seriously: The suggestions forum is about making suggestions for changes to the
game, not asking for suggestions about what to do with your game. That belongs in general
discussion, or in this case, the Marine Nationale sub-forum.

And please, I understand if English isn't your first language, but please for the love o'
all that is holy, use spell check. I hear even Firefox does it now.

In regards to your question: Always take a BB line first. It'll give you time to get a
handle on the game and a platform for leveling up CV and SS sailors if you want to pursue
those later. It's also much less RAGE!!! inducing.

~ Ferrard