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Tip and Tactics


  • BB & CV Harmony for New Players

    08. 05. 2010 10:32

The team that follows these tips wins GB/GB2. The other one fails. If you do not
care about being a failure, go to another thread. If you like winning, please read.
You may notice that it is all about vision. Seeing the other side is more important
than everything else put together. You will notice that CV driving takes considerably
more work than BB driving.


1. Use your own scouts whenever you can. Take them off default angle and try to
keep them alive. Unless you drive a Nelson, failing to have a scout pilot onboard is
laughably noobish (yes, other players are laughing at you if they scroll over you in
pre-game and do not see an "R".)

2. Shoot AA boats whenever they come in range. If you have a lower-level crew,
this is something extremely helpful that you can do without getting nuked by a BB5.

3. Maneuver aggressively when you can see other team's BBs. Do not miss. If more
than a third of your salvos get nothing but splash damage, then practice in mission
rooms and target smaller boats at beginning of games until you stop stinking up the

4. Be patient and fall back slowly during inevitable blackout periods.

5. Ask for CV help locating any unscouted BBs without being a jerk.


1. Scouting is mandatory during the entire game. It requires constant
micromanaging. If you do not want to scout and want to take a break while playing,
then drive a SS, ASW boat, or TW for a few games.

2. Kill enemy scouts quickly with FPs on the way out, but do not chase them. Watch
for new scout launches and kill them quickly with your FPs.

3. Engage enemy FPs over enemy BBs or in no-man's-land. Once engaged in no-
man's-land, drag the fight over to the enemy BBs. Do not engage enemy FPs over
friendly BBs unless you are far superior and can quickly wipe them out.

4. The "comma" and "L" keys are your friends. Your FPs should always be below
default height when inside the other team's flak area. Change your FPs' altitude
whenever flak boats start hitting your planes. Keep your FPs directly over flak boats
that have high-level crews and a driver with good AA aim (it is hard to shoot down
planes circling directly overhead).

5. Almost all of your FPs are on one way trips. Keep them scouting and shooting
down enemy planes until they run out of fuel in most situations. Don't worry too
much about running out of planes as 80% of games are decided in first 5 minutes.

6. If a CV is BWing on opposite side, use your damaged or low fuel FP flights to
camp him and/or destroy his waves of bombers.

7. If you insist on BWing yourself, then you MUST leave at least one surviving
bomber as a scout over an enemy BB.

8. Drag aggressive AA boats into friendly BB range by teasing them out with your
FPs (works well with KM, US, and UK flak boats, not so well with IJN and MN boats).

9. Keep pumping out fresh FPs.

10. Local fighters lose games. If you insist on using them, pair up with the biggest
CV on your side and develop a layered air defense. Use them to protect your BBs,
instead of just circling them near yourself. The one-way rule applies to locals as
well. Because locals do not provide vision, try to pick rooms that have at least 6 CVs
to minimize the harm to your team.