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Tip and Tactics


  • Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 05. 2010 19:04

No negative comments please (like ss are noobs and so on)

First things first... a good ss goes on suicide missions (you don't have enough air to get
back alive) if you can sink everyone and come up alive that is a bonus.

Know your ss... feel the movement... the way it responds on your internet connection...
how quickly it turns... how well you can respond to different situations... If you can
master the basic movement of the sub you are half way to being a good sub... Main point of
this is being able to dodge other subs and asw nubs... Also... !!!!KNOW WHERE YOUR TORPS
EXPLODE (sweet range)!!!!!!

ss1 - you can sink your own weight every third game (ss1 sucks)
ss2 - you can sink 2x your weight every second game AND at minimum your own weight
ss3 - Sink 1+ BB per game and 2x your own weight (weight may be part of that bb)
ss4 - Create mayhem on the other side... sink at least 1 bb4+ per game (if you cannot do
this in ss4 give up)... take out several little ships... and with some luck whipe out an
entire north or south including a CV... SS4 FTW

When you have a dc above you, you have 4 seconds to:
*Make up your mind on what to do
sink the ship with asw
get down (crush depth) or up
*Making up your mind:
You can go up or down to get away from a dc or hh... Go up when there is only the asw ship
and he is a ff or dd (look at his guns too) if you go up then you can release torps at
him... if there are several e ships around then you want to get down, imediately send a
request for your allies to help you (like SINK ASW or something)

Another point to remember is that having that little gun on deck is great for taking down
a ff or dd with asw.

sinking subs with tb is fun... if you can manual... Now for the subs... if you see a
target ring around you go down and come back up... if it comes back go low and stay there
for a while... Remember that if you are under they cannot see you. If the tbs start to fly
over you the guy knows where you are and may manual tb you... so if tbs come in low get
down (all the way down)

*BB/CV (the fun stuff)
You can turn faster than a bb. You can reverse. You have rear torps. They have bulge. your
torps can damage you.

So get to the point where the your torps are in range. If you can get it perfect your
torps will explode near the e ship. that way even if you miss or the torp goes under the
ship will suffer splash damage. Remember you have a sting on the back of of your ss so if
you see a ship behind you let it rip!

If you can get on the opposite side to the rest of your team so it is like
Your team lll e bb lll you

Another little is to come up just before your air runs out so (especially at high lvls)
you will have 1/3 tank by the time the e bb is about to fire (the e ship has to adjust his
guns from high to low and rotate - rotate applies if you follow the oppoite side as your
team rule) This may give you time to take down another bb!

There are two ways to do this...
a) DON'T - This is by far the easiest and better option... If I am in my ss I will not
engage other ss unless they release a torp at me or the are heading to me.
sweet range fire 2 torps high speed on either side of him. 1 low speed right over him. GO
DOWN. They should explode next to him or his general position... then if he is still not
sunk and he goes down come up imediately and fire low speed torps at him at intervals (so
he cannot come up)
So in short:
fire high
fire low
go down (if he goes down and no torps coming at you)
come up
fire at intervals

Enjoy... happy hunting

Edition 1
Copyright Brainy - BrainySmurf - N.H.

  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 12. 2010 08:01

"SS's aren't easy, First of all SS3 is even hard now because you can get 1 shotted from
across the map with the front guns of an L2, You have no idea until you have grinded
through them all."

Clearly you are an SS-only player. Clearly.

"SS4 can't do this. GET THIS OUT OF YOUR HEAD."

Lol. Then how come it happens on a routine basis? I see Altsein rickroll teams all the
time. I don't like the guy, but I've never knocked him for being a crappy SS player,
because he isn't. I don't like the guy because he wants anti-SS countermeasures nerfed
while seemingly not being willing to give up any of the uber-ship capabilities that subs
currently enjoy.

"Just today i witnessed an IJN SS4 unload all of his torps on a Nebraska, And his last
torp finally killed him."

So let me get this straight. A lvl 77 ship was able to kill a lvl 120 ship and probably
get about 80k attack (and god knows how much exp) from it alone, with relative ease? And
by relative ease, I mean that a lvl 77 BB would be probably oneshotted by the BB6 and a
lvl 77 CV would struggle to do enough damage to sink it before getting chased down? While
a 77 SS is able to not only engage and kill the BB6, but probably do so without taking
much damage, if any?

Boo hoo hoo. SS life is just soooooooooo harrrrrrrd. Actually having a respectable chance
vs ships 40+ levels higher is just SOOOOOO HAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!!!!!

"Maybe if you armored your BB right it would work"

Armoring a BB right, with few exceptions, means you're using .2-.5 belt and as much bulge
as you feel like giving up speed for. Since you can't outrun an SS if you load up on bulge
(or even if you don't load up on bulge, in many cases), I'd just as soon have the speed
because it's also useful when fighting enemy BB/CV.

Even with 255 bulge, it doesn't take that many torps to kill a BB. There's a vid on
Youtube with an IJN SS1 that wipes a 255 bulge SY with about 11 torp hits, not including
"duds". Basically 2 salvos. 2-shotted that SY, with the SY having absolute max protection
against torps.

I say again, *CLEARLY* you are an SS-only player.


  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 12. 2010 06:19

Phimon: If I reverse to the harbour I am faster than you''ll ever be. :)

  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 12. 2010 04:54

""""""First of all SS3 is even hard now because you can get 1 shotted from across
the map with the front guns of an L2""""""

just as it should be.

  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 12. 2010 01:36

You think SS's are so easy ey? Mind 1v1? I'd love to take you on, (Iowa) Good post. SS's
aren't easy, First of all SS3 is even hard now because you can get 1 shotted from across
the map with the front guns of an L2, You have no idea until you have grinded through them
all. Don't cheat either. No prem, No other ships after your sailors hit SS1, Tell me how
long it took you. Because if your on Iowa server. I'm gonna be looking for you.

"ss4 - Create mayhem on the other side... sink at least 1 bb4+ per game (if you cannot do
this in ss4 give up)... take out several little ships... and with some luck whipe out an
entire north or south including a CV... SS4 FTW"
SS4 can't do this. GET THIS OUT OF YOUR HEAD. Just today i witnessed an IJN SS4 unload all
of his torps on a Nebraska, And his last torp finally killed him. Maybe if you armored
your BB right it would work.... Besides I don't hunt BB/CV Down I go for SS's. I get tired
of hearing people on my team whine in team chat.
"SUB SUB SUB. I NEED ASW NORTH/SOUTH NOW." *after getting pwned and crying for awhile*
" OMG those ..... ASW ships need to do there job."
I just go for all there subs. Sink them, By then the game is almost over and i added 3-4
SS's to my BO kills.
Nuff said here.
Good post, I like it.

  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 11. 2010 22:46

Your all wrong. SS1 pwns everything, even SS4s because they have such a small profile ans
great speed and air time. I mean they only have 4 forward torp launchers for a reason, so
they will be balanced.

All the Uflaks you see have the thing just for the Ion cannon it has.
All the other SS4s are there because they can't fit in their Pwn SS1 anymore =<

  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 11. 2010 22:03

"If you don't like it then go play in an SS (of non- KM nationality) and then see how hard it
is to grind in them you little girls."

Only SS1 can be considered even remotely challenging to play, and that's because their
capabilities are so low relative to the others. There's no "grind" once you hit SS2+. Just:

2.) Dive
3.) Pwn
4.) Win
5.) Profit


  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 11. 2010 19:41


I'd boost the planes... The sonar is good if you find yourslef having dificulty finding
the e ships without scouts above you.

  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 10. 2010 15:45

I rolled both my planesman and my sonarman +15, so no problem there. If I was going to
boost and partially vet just one of them, would it be the planesman, or sonarman? I'm
thinking probably the planesman since air is a constantly scarce resource for a sub.

  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 10. 2010 07:14

@ Phimon

I see a flaw in your post.

If we think that SS are for noobs, and we have no brain, then how are we able to live,
or even respond to this?

Get da facts straight.

Oh, Hi Phimon!! <3 ya

  • Re : Be the best SS you can - Yet another ss tips and tactics manual

    08. 10. 2010 05:42

The higher the pot ability on a sonarman, the better you can detect other subs and the
greater is your line of sight when you're submerged. When you're not overheating, that is.
bve also plays a role of course. So try to roll a +15 or at least a +14 pot for a
sonarman. Same goes fot planesman.
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