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  • Ship Configuration Option?

    10. 24. 2005 19:50


This stems from the "rule #9" thread.

NF already stores the info for the current weapon configuration for the ships you have in port...

I think it would be awesome if you could set up different configurations for ships you own.

Think about it this way:

Want to set up guns for CL/CA? Buy the guns and ammo, save the config as CONFIG #1

Bored of CL/CA? Switch to CONFIG #2, which is your smaller caliber config for all welcome, etc.

Ever play Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries? (oldie but goodie!) In it you purchased mechs, and weapons, and swapped them out, and customized as you pleased, but with a customization fee...

Owning multiple configs would be expensive, yes, and cut down on available credits for armor... but it would make swapping quicker and easier.

A nominal points/credits fee could be introduced for it... maybe 100creds per turret?

Purchasing Ammo and weaponry in bulk might add to the game as far as the barter system works as well...


  • Re : Ship Configuration Option?

    10. 25. 2005 14:58

bumping, because this is something I think a LOT of people would like...

  • Re : Ship Configuration Option?

    10. 24. 2005 20:16

Great idea, could be easily implemented into the game i think.