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U.S Navy


  • Decent Subs for the US

    08. 09. 2010 18:05

I have noticed from comments people who played the submarine line, found out that the US
subs suck in comparison to the other nation's subs. When you play as a us sub, you go
through a horrible long grind to then when you get to lvl 76, NF pulls a really sick joke.
They give you the USS Chachalot, an outdated ww1 sub, that should of been scrapped a long
time ago (Its a wonder, it even remains structurely intact, let alone floats). No wonder
why the US is the least played Sub line. I think the US sub line needs major retooling. I
think the Chachalot should be replaced by the modern (by ww2 standards) USS Gato, which
would be one of (if not) the best sub avaible. This would at least make US sub line a
little bit more attractive. Not everyone is going to agree with me, and propably would
hate me for this

  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 12. 2010 18:13

BB captains best captains screw subs and CVs we need moar BB lines and scouts that
drop deapth charges and a sub narfff that makes them sink with one good hit from a 5'
inch gun!!!!11

  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 12. 2010 11:01

"a mod told me ss5 and ss6 were outvoted for the t4 ftrs and bb7"

Outvoted? What, they can only do a few at a time?

They can add ss5 and ss6 if they want, they're just lazy. How hard is it to make a
sprite, give it some numbers, and add it?

And even if US gets narwhal and gato, the other nations will get other subs that are
magically better even though they were never even built.

  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 12. 2010 07:33

If you're worried about only 4 torp launchers on US subs, i recommend b/v/e your
torpedomen. Reload is not too bad on US subs if you have good torpers.

  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 11. 2010 07:33

a mod told me ss5 and ss6 were outvoted for the t4 ftrs and bb7

  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 10. 2010 17:28

Im still waiting for the Infamous Gato class. however if thats the ss5 it would not
bother me but it would for everyone else who dislikes subs.


  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 09. 2010 23:36

Eeeeeewwwww ss5, ss6, and pss make me want to puke. I wouldn't mind them so much if we had
a pdd for asw.

  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 09. 2010 21:59

I thought compass already showed us what the new subs will be?

  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 09. 2010 21:24

Keep in mind the 2 more tiers of subs are planned, and in the works (although i can't
give proof due to form rules regarding support tickets). Expect some good subs for the
T5 and T6 submarines. I don't know what they will be, but my guess is narwal for 5 and
gato for 6. of course, consitering SDE's past history with USN subs, we will get the old 4
frount 2 back we always have gotten.

  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 09. 2010 21:09

Its not the submarine matey its the captain


  • Re : Decent Subs for the US

    08. 09. 2010 20:37

The last thing we need is another submarine.
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