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U.S Navy


  • New EBB Mississippi

    08. 12. 2010 22:29

After seeing the specs on the USN EBB Mississippi, I feel extremely let down. It
comes a mere 2 levels after the New Mexico (1930) while offering no real advantage
(the extra 2580 DP won't make too much of a difference). I feel I have to pre-rate
this as a BB1.05. I would rather have a NewYork than this piece of crap excuse as
a "grand prize".

Overall the event was great and thank SDE for it. However, I would be happier if
they just left out the not-so-grand prize. Unless there are going to be special new
EBB only-BB rooms, I hope I can sell the ship to the harbor and atleast redeem some

EDIT: If this BB takes up a ship slot in the harbor, it will be indefinetely deleted/sold.
I refuse to waste one of my 7 spots on an ugly BB1

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 16. 2010 22:22

With high level engies, no reps, and enough weight savings I can make the mississippi go
45 with ebb guns loaded with 3 binds each. Or I can go 44 knots with 3.75 binds with full

But without ebb guns its just another bad bb1.5. I think its pretty good with the ebb
guns if you hold it to preexisting ebb standards. But its so heavy to begin with that
using trips means makes you worse than a bb2. They need to up its speed through weight or

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 16. 2010 20:41

Okay, first day of playing the ship.

Speed - decent, 42 knots with full bb6 crew and modestly armored.
Main battery - EBB 15 degree lazors (6 binds HE)
Secondary battery - 5"/ 38 cal Mark 30 Mod41 N (2 binds AA)

Overall, I like it. The NY EBB guns are fun. I'm routinely getting 60k or more attack
in GB2 games with it, and the precision of the EBB guns allows me to pick off frigates
and PCL with ease. plus the AA guns aren't all that bad. The golden angle 39 is a
bit limiting, but 100 damage per shell knocks bombers and scouts out of the sky
quickly, making up for the lack of gun barrels. (And 2 binds is plenty for single barrel
AA guns on a battleship.)

Is it an awesome ship, no. It's a fine BB1, and the EBB guns are a hoot.

Suggestions to fix... more displacement, bigger T slots. If it could hold regular BB2
AA guns and make 44 knots with the 14" mk10L or 45 knots with the NY guns, it
would be a very happy ship indeed.

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 16. 2010 20:21

They should've done West Virginia with the Tenn45 sprite and given it it's own set of
30* 16" guns.

Which used to be in the game, but were deleted as useless.

That would've been awesome. And would've required a little bit of thought...

Or, if they insisted on giving US a BB1, while giving France and Germany BB2s, they
could've done the Arizona...

Missed opportunities ftw!

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 16. 2010 10:01

No, see, the Mississippi is a New Mexico with more DP and a repaint. That's it. It doesn't
come with a different gunset and provides no other advantages over the New Mexico -
at all-. The Haruna, on the other hand, is an upgrade over the Kongo since it's able to
hold better guns. So is the Gneis and the Resolution. Why they chose a mix of BB1's
and 2's...I don't know. I especially don't know why they gave the US yet -another- BB1
when they already have freakin' 6 of them.

Let's face it, SDE pulled these 'new' EBB's out of their asses. What they -could- have
done was to provide us with entirely new ship models, create new unique gunsets for
each, then playtest and balance them before release.

Just because they were free does not permit SDE to release a slipshod product.

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 15. 2010 22:30

Don큧 cry. Mississipy is good as BB1 or BB2. It is not Seva or BB3.

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 15. 2010 12:48

i hate missisippi hold it for like 2-3 years we would be able to sell ebb's again i bet then it would
be worth at least 100m+

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 15. 2010 12:11

No, you dont get a cookie. We all knew this was how it was going to be from the moment
they were unveiled. Being proven correct does nothing to quench my anger at being
shafted. Miss needs a serious buff.

Once again SDE has proven that they have no concept of how to balance anything, even among
ships of its own (supposed) class, and do not listen to or for that matter care about
their players. It is very clear that once again SDE put no actual thought or effort into
creating these ships, proving yet again that as long as we keep giving them money this
game will only continue to get worse, not better.

Just one more reason why I only play during HAs anymore and hands down refuse to spend
money on this game.

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 15. 2010 09:50

Do I get a cookie for being the first one to realize it is a pile of epic failure?

-Preferably Chocolate chip please.

Yeah I sent in a few support tickets because the MS really,really needs it.

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 15. 2010 09:46

The mississippi is far and away the worst of the new EBBs, it is so awful it can't even
begin to compete with them. If you have another nation, you would be better off getting
that one instead. For those of us who already chose the miss and got shafted, sign the
petition thread and flood them with support tickets demanding it be buffed.

  • Re : New EBB Mississippi

    08. 15. 2010 08:08

Nope, Thanks to SDE's fail patch, EBBs are no longer tradable items.
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