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  • When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 08:42

I know I'm going to really need credits in the future. I currently have a Cleveland. But what
level ship do I really start earning credits, like 10k or more?

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 17. 2010 20:04

Most direct way with your current ship line remain unchange, BUY PREMIUM

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 17. 2010 16:53

If you play Blitz, you will be able to buy ships when you need to, as long as you don't
waste money on switching guns.

A CV will give you alot of creds. I didn't believe it when I just got my Bogue yesterday.
You get completely paid back in about 5-10 battles (I get anywhere from 10k to 100k in
Blitz on my CV....normally 50kish

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 18:14

I don't feel like getting another bo right now. I have two (one on each line for bb) that I know
I will need when I my ADHD takes over. If I happen to do good damage with a bb won't I
get good money as well?

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 16:20

Struggle for those first few ships like we all did.

Start up secondary BO (and crew) to become CV. Not only will you wind up with CV but you
will also place your gunners several levels ahead of your gunship BO where they need to
be. Also, since you are starting over with already leveled gunners, those small ships
become instantly more fun.


Get CV...CV=ChaCHING! Once you get CV credits are no longer an issue.

Remember: We all started down there, and we all (at least Beta players...) struggled to
scrape up those early credits. I remember well reaching the required levels for new ships
but being unable to afford them. It forced us to stay in smaller ships, grow better
sailors, and learn how to play better...

Sorry that there is no easy answer-short of someone giving you the creds.

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 14:18

start rolling some neuts !! for starters its good cash =)

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 12:57

I hear all of this talk about AA whoring but there doesn't seem to be enough cv's anymore to
make it worthwile.

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 12:53

Making a CV cost alot of credits so if you have problems with credits as is I
don't see how that is an option.

Best option I can think of is play a DD, if I remember right they don't have a
repair cost, and possibly some CL do too never checked up on that.

You have gunners already so AA is probably your best choice, but blitz games
in general are a good source of credits which if you blitz from 1 to 60 you
shouldn't have a problem with credits to get a bigger ship I don't think.

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 12:35

If you can make a CV, AAing is fun but i think CV gives a heck of a lot more credits.

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 11:47

As above, though after the first point of attack #3 only applies to AA or "normal" rooms
if you're not running a BB.

5 - Avoid GB2s, play normal rooms, select mode and blitz when possible.

  • Re : When when do I start making some real money?

    08. 16. 2010 10:11

Credits are a limiting factor, to be sure. GB2 battles aren't particularly rich hauls of
them either. Some tips...

1 - use your AA guns. Shooting down aircraft makes experts and credits.

2 - Avoid Hedgehogs. The premium ones cost real money. The regular ones cost THOUSANDS
of credits per battle.

3 - You get more credits and XP for shooting things than you do for just being there. The
more ships you hit, the better you'll do.

4 - Joining a squadron or fleet is an option, as some will have options of taking out a
loan for a new ship, or will have ships to trade you.