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U.S Navy


  • How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 16. 2010 13:51

Will I hit the repair cap with 3 BVE Elite US Reps? if so when?

I am about to start leveling them and want to know if I should level 3 reps-5 engys
or 4-4.

The BB guides were vauge on this question--saying to carry 3-4 reps and 3-4 Engys

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 19. 2010 21:31

your not gonna hit the rep cap with just 3 reps.

You need at least 4.

I know because with my maxed out 120 reps with about 200~210 vets, boosted +11 and +12s I
am only at about 280.

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 19. 2010 18:27

"If you want terrible AA range and damage."

I'm guessing you don't use AA on KM ships that can only mount the 3.46" for much the same
reason? (The 5"/38 Mk 38 L have the same golden angle, and notably higher per-shell
damage, if worse rate of fire)

On a semi-related note, the 5"/54 Mk 16 L can be good in BB rooms, especially if you're on
a ship with T-slots slightly too small to carry the 6"/47 DP D. The damage and rate of
fire aren't great, but no one expects a US ship to have AA with slightly more range than
the KM 40s.

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 19. 2010 18:14

id say 3 reps 5 engies. Yes aa might not be that great but it doesnt mean it cant knock
down a wave of bombers or kill the occasional forgotten scout. Also your "aa gunners"
work great with hhs which can keep those nasty subs away.

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 19. 2010 17:04

3 ebve will get you repair cap.

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 19. 2010 16:08

i run 5 engies, 3 reps, scout, 2gunners and a seaman on my monty. seamen helped me hit the
speedcap before I had that 5th engie, so i don't doubt their usefulness 1bit. Although i'd
rather have a 6th engie instead of him, but i still use him on my cv at times anyways
to improve my fp.

sometimes i run the 5"/38 on T slots for AA with a second set of rld gunners. they're not
all bad if you know how to use them, but don't expect to be able to blind the enemy every
time - or else you'll end up sunk from staring at planes instead of enemy bb's. if your
facing off versus another bb5 that doesn't want to turn into u, AA'ing his scout and
making him think your not paying attention is sometimes a sure way to sink him. But as I
said, watch the enemy first, planes last.

P.S. I do 24/40 without the 5"/38's, and 24/39 with. Aside from slightly quicker turning
from the higher speeds, i sometimes forget there is even a difference having the extra set
of guns on. Depends on the play style your going for though. sling shotting does seem to
be easier to do now with that extra knot though.

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 19. 2010 15:19

to the other sailor suggestions..........

restorer---useless after 900SD
medic--- never been "proven to work," even if it did you would need a few to utilize their
stackable abilities.
seaman--- proven to barely work if you have excellent mulitple base stats and
+200vets(hardly worth the money)
5th rep- unwise since US ships are speed hungry

AND-- "No US BBs have very good positioned T-Slots for the most part, and the 3" or 5"

*** IF you want terrible AA range and damage. If the US could mount the dual DP 6inch,
maybe it would be a viable effort. But at BB5/6 lvl the cost of AA is sacrificing speed
which is unwise, except maybe in a HA type line fight.

the choice is to still add 1 more engy.... and increase overheat time as much as you can
get it.

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 18. 2010 23:40

Well my current BB crew is this:
1 BO
2 Huge ACC Gunners
4 Engies (Plus two more on the way)
2 Repairs
1 Restore
1 Seamen
1 Scout

SEamen would be good for Hgh level bb's but many people seem to doubt which idk why

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 17. 2010 14:58

I'm @ 220 DP/s Repair rate with 3 reps (118/113/108)

Repair capping is easy with 4...

4 reps 4 engys and AA or 5 reps 5 engys on BB6s :)

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 17. 2010 05:00

Level: 35
Server: Iowa
Fleet: Spaceballs!

Re : How many reps for US BBs?
08 16 2010 8:17PM
"but realize that
many US BB mount excellent AA guns,"

If by excellent you mean the worst, then you are correct :D

No US BBs have very good positioned T-Slots for the most part, and the 3" or 5" guns are
no bad AA guns either. I run AA on most my US BBs, and its not a waste of space like on
many UK/IJN/MN BBs

And to come back to the topic, you can hit the repair cap with US, but why should you,.
You need either to have many reps on the ship, gimping your Speed or you need to overvet
em like crazy sinking alot of money, and for what exactly?

US ships repair fast enough with 3-4 reps, and its not like 10 reps make you survive
longer in most battels, they only make you able to continue to fight sooner. If you get
oneshotted you get oneshotted, no amount of reps will change that, so better go for speed,
and have a chance to dodge a bit more ;)

  • Re : How many reps for US BBs?

    08. 17. 2010 02:29

Dont listen to him, USN aa is awful. 5 engies, 1 scout, 2 gunners, bo, 4 reps, and either
a restorer, medic, seaman, or 5th rep.
1 2