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  • change the armor stats

    08. 20. 2010 23:27

well I've done my research with the search tool, but I havent found anything about what
ill suggest for armor.

Well here my suggestion :

Instead of making the armor for bouncing ability, why not change it for decrease damage?

like for now the only thing that armor is doing is bouncing shell if the ship got enough
armor, I know some people will said : Use AP! Well to say, I'm not enough good in aiming
to waste a bind of HE for a bind of AP

So instead each inch would make the damage received decreased and why not making its
destroyable just like bulge, the armor would get its own health bar. and if its reach 25%
some of the hit would damage the hull itself ( the current ship HP )

here some % could be used for damage output:

Armor 100% HP
AP : 100% damage on armor
HE : 50-75% damage on armor

Armor 50% HP
AP : 100% damage on armor, 10% damage on hull
HE: 50-75% damage on armor

Armor 25% HP
AP : 100% damage on armor, 25% damage on hull
HE: 70%-90% damage on armor, 10% damage on hull

Armor less than 10%
AP: 100% damage on armor, 50% damage on hull
HE: 95% damage on armor, 30% damage on hull

No more armor left
AP 50% damage on hull
HE 100% damage on hull

so in some way armor add HP on the ship, HE still do less damage until the armor is on a
critical status, AP would do the maximum damage on armor and even break through damaging
the hull itself too ( doing technically more damage overtime until armors gone )

Well if people still want some bouncing stats, well maybe make it 5% probability of
bouncing HE, but not 100% like NF is doing right now with high amount of armor.

and for HP point, i would say(still depend on where the shell hit):
(Per inch)

Deck: 1.5k
Belt: 1k

Deck: 1.1k
Belt: 900

Deck: 1k
Belt: 800

Deck: 900
Belt: 700

Deck: 1k
Belt: 900

But doing armor like that, that would be more fair to reduce the weight of armor ( except
UK since theirs is already kinda light )

Then Armor DP would not get the DMG reduction of the SD

so lets do an exemple of a battle situation

You are an UK ship, vs another BB that can do normally 1-2k dmg per shell

you got 10 inch of deck armor and 2 inch of belt, mean you got a bonus of 17k dp ( again
SD do NOT reduce dmg on armor hit )

you receive 3 shell hit at 100% armor:
If its was AP, its would have done 3k-6k dmg on the armor
if its was HE you would have receive 1.5k-3k dmg on the armor

if its was 50% armor
If its was AP, its would have done 3k-6k DMG on the armor + 100 dmg on hull ( on hull SD
if its was HE, you would have receive 1.5k-3k dmg on armor

if at 25% armor
If AP, would be 3k-6k DMG on armor + 750-1500 on hull
if HE, would be 1k-4200 dmg on armor + 100 dmg on hull

at 0% armor
AP would do 1k-3k dmg
HE would do the normal damage

And go on, so pretty much of people still use AP on armor, armor would be gone soon, but
even with HE its still do enough dmg on armor to break it in couple of volley ( just like
SD would be break after couple of volley).

Here was my suggestion, the flaming can go on!

  • Re : change the armor stats

    01. 16. 2011 14:51

megadone said:
1 - UK > armor(prolly Soviets too)
2 - ther would be no point in AP shells with your suggestion...IMO 75% of dmg on a
AWed ship is huge....
3 - I prefer bouncing
4 - *this armor* + SD would make ships have way to much HP...IMO this is not NFKR
where ther are not caps...we have them for a reason...yes some are stupid but still...
5 - I like how armor works now....
6 - I prefer if old and much needed stuff gets fixed 1st before *new stuff is added or

ok.... to make it simple on your statement:
1 - in the new stats, its would stay UK > armor
2 - wonder if you read correctly, i said 75% of the shell dmg, not doing 75% of the ship HP
3 - its would still bouncing, at least at lower angle than 40 degree, just its each bounce
would take out some armor HP
4 - only UK would get the big HP upgrade, just maybe what i propose is too high
5 - well i dont me, because only bouncing, its suck IMO
6 - i agree, i didnt ask to be implented right away

  • Re : change the armor stats

    01. 14. 2011 01:23

1 - UK > armor(prolly Soviets too)
2 - ther would be no point in AP shells with your suggestion...IMO 75% of dmg on a
AWed ship is huge....
3 - I prefer bouncing
4 - *this armor* + SD would make ships have way to much HP...IMO this is not NFKR
where ther are not caps...we have them for a reason...yes some are stupid but still...
5 - I like how armor works now....
6 - I prefer if old and much needed stuff gets fixed 1st before *new stuff is added or


  • Re : change the armor stats

    01. 13. 2011 20:07

So, if I'm reading correct. we would have a second 'bulge' guauge of ubiquitous
unrepairing armor that would get sapped by everything.

unless armor is made considerably lighter I don't see what the use this is for the
already speed-starved KM, the glass cannons simply struggle to fit enough bulge armor
as it is.

  • Re : change the armor stats

    01. 13. 2011 18:36


  • Re : change the armor stats

    01. 10. 2011 19:22

necro post my own post taht should get recommand! please do nto listen to megadone and
READ my post correctly >.>

  • Re : change the armor stats

    08. 25. 2010 14:11

me i say no armor is not an UK trait, now shut up and sit down megadone

  • Re : change the armor stats

    08. 25. 2010 13:53

The point I am trying to make about "getting closer" is because US/UK ships can now rush
in by soaking the damage with their armor. At close range, KM/IJN are at a bit of a
disadvantage since their fire power output ain't as high.

  • Re : change the armor stats

    08. 25. 2010 08:38

Audessy wrote:

*I don't think armor should be a national advantage as much. It should be more
like "UK gets more ships that can be well armored."*

^^ ty, that made my day :)

ignoring nation traits and has 5% of info wich ships can AW. just epic...

FYI UK all ready has 2-3 ships more to AW then other nations...thus your statment is
irelevant, since other nations CAN AW on some ship's tsk tsk..

all so I rest my case, you just proven what I was saying all along, wich was *nerf UK
rant suggestion*...epic gg

I all ready stated in my my previouse post's... this suggestion will lead to more
*SHARING* suggestion wich end resoult will be 1=nation LMAO funny how 4 year
olds can see that llooll....

this topic makes me giggle :)


  • Re : change the armor stats

    08. 24. 2010 21:39

yea i think ill do that darkmetal, just ignoring megadone will just make my day better :)

but well its no need to get closer to each other, and more shoot needed? well AP would do
the full ammo real shell dmg ( like between 1-3k dmg) since SD would not apply on armor,
so like for even a UK ship, just couple of salvo would kill the armor, then return to HE
for the normal engagement, armor would still get hit by HE, but only the 50% to 75% of the
hit value and AP would actually pierce the armor and hit hull when the armor is at a
critical status

but oh well this idea was only a fast thought to make the armor destructable like bulge
instead of bouncing stuff

  • Re : change the armor stats

    08. 24. 2010 21:08

Exactly darkmetal.

I don't think armor should be a national advantage as much. It should be more like "UK
gets more ships that can be well armored."

Yamato should get a AW setup but their other ships like Kongo, Ise, Fuso and Nagato
were all WWI era ships and should still have very weak armor.
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