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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    08. 21. 2010 17:22

There are 9 Support slots. Can you only use 8 or 9 for Pilots?

If 8 what are you running in the last Support Slot (1) , and the two Gun Slots
(2) and (3) if you are not using Guns?

How many Fighters and how many Bombers?

What do you use as your launch pattern?

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    01. 20. 2011 05:18

umpdump get's one point.
It is a premium ship so you have the choice not to use a bo on the bo slot.

Pilots: 5 FP and 3 TB
9th slot: Seaman or Engineer
bo slot: Seaman
support slots: any sailor that needs to level up

Never had guns in my whole cv career.
Oops, not exactly true..................... had guns in Oyodo, Mog-CV and Ise-Cv.

Never loaded more than 5 planes per pilot. Six planes takes too long and fast cycling of
sorties is my forte. In some games I have 8FP on board and the other side thinks there are
3 CV attacking them.


  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    12. 29. 2010 14:02

Use a 120 restorer for BO with 8 lvl 45 fps with locals. The rest of the spots are for
decoration. :)

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    11. 20. 2010 10:30

You can only use 8 Pilots to Launch.

The reason this Thread was opened was to get opinions, not to help people feel better
about themselves by being Sarcastic.

If you are just starting out at Level 40 or 60, you want to make sure you are Leveling the
right Crew for your CV.

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    11. 18. 2010 19:11

i love how this is a how do you set up your ZUIKAKU and some ppl havnt even
reached t3 yet and still are giving advise.. priceless

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    11. 18. 2010 15:07

can u lauch 9 aircraft?

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    11. 15. 2010 23:02

Use a seaman, it boost everything!

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    10. 31. 2010 23:34

Normally, 6 FT 2 DB 1 Eng 2 Gunners 1 BO

If I'm not using the gunners, I throw on reps.

Now, 4 FT, 3 Eng 4 Rep 1 Scout, just because I'm lvling supports for my BB.

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    10. 28. 2010 02:53

IJN TBs, wow....respect! ^^

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    10. 27. 2010 19:59

6 TB, 2 FP, 2 Restorers, 1 Engineer

  • Re : How do you set up your CV ZUIKAKU?

    10. 26. 2010 12:56

I am useing 8ftrs(100xT4) / 6ftrs & 2TB (75xT4 F & 30xT3 T) 1 eng and guners on R
1 2