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  • Sailor killed

    08. 27. 2010 07:03

What means that message? Sailors sometimes die in battle?

  • Re : Sailor killed

    10. 26. 2010 06:09

If u want to reduce sailor death rate, use medic (but I only recommend it for CV if this
problem really harass u).

  • Re : Sailor killed

    10. 24. 2010 10:44

RCT button = recruit button. Click it, it opens a window. Here you can add recruits
and convert experts into veterans.

  • Re : Sailor killed

    10. 17. 2010 10:45

so whats the rct button do? im kinda scared 2 try it...cuz i dont know WHAT it does...

  • Re : Sailor killed

    10. 16. 2010 07:37

are medics useful at a CL line? Not really.

Medic is currently a waste of sailor space. CV crew dont get killed that often
anymore due to a patch.

  • Re : Sailor killed

    10. 16. 2010 06:22

are medics useful at a CL line?

  • Re : Sailor killed

    10. 15. 2010 22:07

ok know i get it if i go up against a BB i always get that message

  • Re : Sailor killed

    09. 02. 2010 11:59

When u use cv, u will get that message more often. To reduce it, use medic (only advised on CVs).

  • Re : Sailor killed

    09. 01. 2010 12:27

yes sometimes they die, always check that the red bar under your sailro icon is full
before you enter a battle.

The sailors usually dies because you get shot by someone with ap shells, or you get
a big hit

  • Re : Sailor killed

    08. 31. 2010 09:52

u must click the RCT buton above your sailor ti raise it to the max number as possible...

  • Re : Sailor killed

    08. 27. 2010 07:49

Give this a read:

The sailor you see in the harbor will not die.

The individual sailors that are factored into a sailor's true abilities (rookies, experts,
and veterans) can die. Rookies can be replaced from the harbor, while experts can either
be purchased or gained through gameplay (AA is the easiest way). Veterans are converted
from experts in your harbor.