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  • Some tips for a new player

    08. 29. 2010 08:21

I am a new player and have been playing for a short time now. I have followed several of the guides here and have leveled up to the Atlanta. Now I have some questions. I have been trying to use 54s and HA attacks. The problem I find is in big battles I am still seriously outranged and in blitz most battles turn into knife fights and using HA it is very hard put hits on ships. Would I be better off using the duel 7" and taking on DD and CL with direct fire? Another option would be just going the AA route and stay in great battle to level up to CL?

  • Re : Some tips for a new player

    09. 02. 2010 22:01

go AAing till u get bb 2 then u get high exp.. and till bb2 u ll be outranged..

  • Re : Some tips for a new player

    08. 30. 2010 16:03

one of the problems is that the role of Carriers in the big battles (GB, GB2, etc) as
opposed to Blitzkrieg games, is to send out planes to spot for the battleships. BBs
have good range, but if you've got a newb, or what we refer to as an "experienced
newb" who sits there like a tard instead of doing his or her job in the battle, then
they can't see far enough to nail the other ships before they start nailing you first.

which of course, brings up another whole set of problems, especially in the BG2
games where you've got a Carrier flag. most of them sit there like lumps waiting to
be sunk, some are even foolish enough to charge right into battle.

this latest patch has really made things worse in this regard, as many carriers only
have torp planes & dive bombers, with the balance being attack aircraft.

now, as for being sunk by ships that outrange you. try staying behind the battleships
while they duke it out. pick your spots to charge up at a ship that's within range,
take your potshots and move back to cover.

you can also engage subs and other ships that try to slip past the big guns to get at
your carriers.

if you're still have problems, work on the Blitzkrieg games more as they're a straight
up fight with more smaller ships typically than bigger ships. if you must play in the
bigger battles for xp, remember that the longer you last in those battles, not
neccesarily the amount of ships you sink or damage you do gives you more
experience than charging in and getting blown up after you've peppered a ship with
as many shots as you can first. that tactic works well in Blitz games, don't use it if
you can avoid it in the larger games. each game type is different in how to win it, or
gain from it.

  • Re : Some tips for a new player

    08. 30. 2010 11:47

FIRST: Ship tree which u will find here->
play on blitz till u reach 60lvl or 53lvl when limit of gained exp will be off.
If u want play in submarines first get BB1 or PCA and then level up PLANESMAN,
TORPEDOMAN and SONARMAN. Engine is recomended for longer OverHeat.
In blitz use Auto or if u are good in Manual play with it couse it's more accuracy.
Use highest caliber of guns but leave some space for shells. In blitz don't stay in
frontline and shot to the biggest ships, u will do more dmg. On atlanta choose guns
8"couse u will do more dmg. Don't buy AA guns on atlanta couse it waste of creds.

  • Re : Some tips for a new player

    08. 29. 2010 14:38

"and in blitz most battles turn into knife fights"

Host your own room with a map that works for you. I get
complaints about hosting - no way out maps - in my NDD
but that's because I can outrange most of the CAs that
show up which is pretty sad.

  • Re : Some tips for a new player

    08. 29. 2010 08:28

learning manual with fast firing HA guns is really hard, u will have an hard time because
the ships move faster than you changing angles according to their movements.
i would stick to guns able to fire AA shells and do a support role in Great Battles killing
planes. Load some He shells, many ships will approach during battles, and u will be able
to train using manual shooting at them. It will be hard, but at least u will get experience
from planes killed . u will also get lots of experts, which will help build ur veterans.

Level up till BB this way. then you will find finally your role when u will have range(dont
expect to be effective till lvl70+)