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  • Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 24. 2005 22:36

Everyday i'll post something about this, till we get some kind of information about what is going on with this game.

I've never seen a game in which if the teams are balanced you will get crappy exp( Op.Con) and the only way to make tremendous exp is by stacking. A better solution than banning everyone for ab'ing in op.con would have been to fix it. Many of us suggested to implent exp based on your personnal damage like normal games but with a % of about 50 as you do a lot more damage. And make it so the crate only gives like 500 exp bonus to everyone on the team.

Most people asked for a crappy football map that you have to score on the other hand the the enemy spawn line. Well for your information when this map comes randomly people retreat because they know no one can score.

Is anything going to be done about the exp CV users get? I would gladly exchange the 20 000 creds i can do in 1 game for more exp. Fighters kills giving more exp is a nice way to do it. The only way people were able to get Yorktown is by leveling a neutral to 65, that normal?

I just hope i can get some kind of feedback for all of us going retail. So we can stop beeing in the mist.
Thank you for your time.

  • Re : Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 25. 2005 16:34

my guess is that the solution hasn't been figured out yet, unless it's just waiting under backlog.

i see one problem with the current situation: teamNF knows that op con is messed up, but is allowing it to continue for now. he says it will be fixed by retail. however, until it is fixed, people can easily abuse it, due to retreaters leaving the game as a 10v3.

now here's the final problem. even though they know there's a problem that can be exploited, and they know that it will be fixed later rather than sooner, they are allowing people to keep their full sailors/exp/credits/points at retail.

stopping the cheating before retail hits IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH, if cheaters get to KEEP THEIR STUFF. if there was a server wipe at retail, then it's fine to fix the cheat before retail. if people are allowed to keep their stuff, what does that effectually encourage?

i'll tell you. it encourages everyone to cheat now, before it is fixed. and that is a twisted message. who will start new at retail when they know cheaters were allowed to have an advantage for several months?

  • Re : Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 25. 2005 16:03

Ok, now that i'm not hype from that teamnf reply, may we ask what is going to be changed in Op.con that is going to make it playable and fun and worth it.

  • Re : Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 25. 2005 13:22

Yea i agree. Op. Con. is messed up right now. I have been in games before where our team scored every time the box poped up. Then I only get about 500 exp. They should definitely fix it before it goes retail.

  • Re : Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 25. 2005 13:01

Did i just get a real reply from the real teamnf! I own you all! hehe

  • Re : Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 25. 2005 12:41

yeah NF should make the losing team get more exp becuase everyone leaves if there not winning....and i cant blame them if there gonna get 300 exp for a 30 min game

  • Re : Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 25. 2005 12:29

Hey guys,

I Apologize for the problems that Operation Convoy is experiencing at the moment. Let me assure you that we are aware of your concerns and are working to address them. We don't intend to go retail without first fixing these problems.

  • Re : Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 25. 2005 10:40

Because this came up so often in the past week.
Everyone knowt Op Convoy is broken either because of stackers or because of retreaters.

I just played an convoy game. It was balanced, the host even asked if the teams were ok before and no one complained. Game started, alpha got the cargo but got destroyed and beta captured the cargo. As soon as this happened alpha started rethreating. After a minute only 3 persons on alpha were left and those were afk. When they came back they only said "lol, stacked" and left.

If this is normal behaviour I wonder how if there are convoy games out there which run over the full length.

Op Convoy is a failed experiment and has to be removed but because its Team NFs "new Toy" and proof that there are more game modes coming for retail they turn a blind eye to it and it stays.

  • Re : Any updates on Op.Con or the futur of this game?

    10. 25. 2005 08:37

How can no one reply to this, no one cares on what is going to happen?