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  • speed of the ss2?

    10. 02. 2010 13:13

need a help or tip

to play better in ss2 and with or without a weapon?
with the weapon he decreases the speed 10 knt
she took it increase the speed but will still be slow ta way because of the sailor?
because I do not have anything armor
seriously need help: x

  • Re : speed of the ss2?

    11. 11. 2010 19:05

The speed of the SS depends of the enginer for this si the best choise use only heavy
engner. Then the speed of the SS ill increay if you have a enginer with consider lvl anda
when yo have more sailor, displacenment the ship will be slow try to hace a consider

  • Re : speed of the ss2?

    10. 09. 2010 06:29

Is very normal your speed for SS2

I recommend you level up your engineer as quickly as possible and use the minimum amount
of torpedoes.

Good Luck

  • Re : speed of the ss2?

    10. 04. 2010 13:17

which weapon u mean? the single canon?
u dont need anything else just torps, forget the armor cuz u always be killed
easily by other subs >.>'
if u want speed, put a lvl 95+ engie in the supp slot, u will get 34/35 knts