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  • What's the big deal about range?

    10. 09. 2010 14:57

If you're in anything less than a BB6, you'll be outranged.

You can wish your fighting aganst an equal level BB, but with GB2, you almst never

Km range means little to nothing in GB2, and really, if you rely on range to win,
you've already lost.

On that note, I've seen a Kaiser take out the opposition almost single handedly, but
I've never seen an H44 or OP2/Bismark do well against an intelligent opponent.

Range against equal level opponents is great, but when do you ever see that?

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 11. 2010 21:38


If you try UK tactic with KM in GB2 you'll fail.

If you think KM is a keep your range easy button you are mistaken.

KM is about dancing the line, and cannot just fictory rush and win. Well it can. But not
against a skilled opponent.

Range is always important. It means if you have an occasion for a shot, you have to travel
less for it, and if you need to disengage, you do it from closer to where you'll be out of
the range of an opponent with greater range than you.

Read in the previous statement : less time to spot you getting in or out of range.

At the BB45 stage, the range advantage is less apparent, but seeing the way an H44 can
lend a full salvo on a L2 at max range and dodge the incoming one if you do it skillfully
I dare say its there.

It just ask of the player a certain skill in the playing than just park shoot and run.

If you want easy straighforward play go UK.

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 11. 2010 18:09

Why do you play KM if you dont like it? Go back to spamming about how OP your kita is and
leave the KM section alone please.

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 11. 2010 08:43

Yeah, I cried all the way to my 400k game in a GBII in my H44. Range sucks so bad
that I struggled to outrange every ship in the room while keeping them scouted with
my 1337 scouting. Wait...

As has already been said, boring bait is boring.

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 11. 2010 08:10

"Range against equal level opponents is great, but when do you ever see that? "

In normal rooms (i.e. BB1-4, BB1-5, BB3), where balance in this game is most apparent.

This game is not balanced for GBI and GBII, which is unfortunate considering what the
player base seems to want to play now. If I were you, I'd also try reading over the
countless other threads you've made in this subforum to see the advantages and
disadvantages of KM BB's, as you've made these sort of whines before (and received answers
as well).

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 11. 2010 07:01

when u play km, u have to learn how to sling shot, otherwise ur range is worthless.
h44 ranges all bb5s and kaiser............well kaiser ranges everithing in the game

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 11. 2010 01:11

you play KM and dont realize how range is your only advantage to speak of (besides AA but
US and IJN can field a very formidable AA as well) and becuase of this you must use it as
best you can all the time to come out on top?

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 10. 2010 12:25

O2 is not use range that much I see, they are upgrade-SD (size/rush/firepower)in my point
of view.

yeah KM need to create the 1 vs 1 range game, if there is multi target inbound, try to
back off, and since the rushing speed/duration is different by each ship, hurt first ship
and knock out its SD, or slow them, and go for next ship, your team mate if smart, they
pretty much gonna stab that hurting ship to death.

I saw a very good kaiser doing that while I play CV, I think H39/Bis can do the same.
he finish pretty much like 5+ BB include QV, non can touch him since they all scatter around.

that little range difference, depend on use, can be either poison or fatty cake.

so main point is, if there is a KM BB, and you can't touch him but he can hit you most of just feel that something must be totally wrong.

man,bad luck for you today after you notice that ship has name: flamingpanda.

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 10. 2010 05:12

in terms of fighting the same tier, except H44, I like the KM range.
esp. at the BB3 level! with both range and firepower~
BB2 and BB4...err...well~ uber range! just...

H44 range monty ~3 mini dots in my view...range adv? lower angle = yes, but I don't think we
have range adv at BB5 level.

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 09. 2010 22:25

Are you new to this game?

I've never seen an H44 or OP2/Bismark do well against an intelligent opponent."

if you've never seen OP2 or bizzy do well, eather you don't pay any attention or you
haven't seen vary many. [every one knows H44 generally sucks, but a good driver is amazing]

  • Re : What's the big deal about range?

    10. 09. 2010 20:37

UK is that way ----->
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