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  • Subs and Overheating.

    10. 10. 2010 00:58

When overheating underwater, I know subs loose air twice as fast. But, if I OH, do I loose
twice the air on the duration of the overheat or on the duration of the whole dive?

It just seems that when I OH I loose air way faster than normal even after the OH is
finished, but Im guessing thats just me so I need someone who tested it.

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 12. 2010 23:48

from what i ahve understood, u dont leak air when u are in red-orange hp. u only
autosurface (maybe for embarking water risks). Your air gauge doenst become zero.

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 12. 2010 23:27

Air is leaked not more when damaged is fantastic fact that no historical is true, but is
same with Star Trek HHs no?


  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 12. 2010 09:21

Subs have the same amount of air regardless of what HP they have. If they are damaged
below a certain %age of HP, they auto-surface due to damage taken. Their air will
recharge as normal, but they cannot stay submerged until repaired past the damage mark
that triggers auto-surface.

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 11. 2010 23:59

being hit and brought to red or orange dp, leads to an automatic surface?

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 11. 2010 23:26

Ok. So when having no damage and being in pristine condition my IJN SS3 did 2:36:86. When
I did a dive at full air with 8k DP out of 15k, the dive lasted 2:36:84 secs. So no,
despite RL, air doesnt leaks faster in a dmged sub. But well, NF always =/= RL

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 11. 2010 12:51

another good soul should test how many seconds does it suck away being hit (not to
red nor to orange) and check if being in yellow dp will net you less seconds of air...

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 11. 2010 11:13

the only time i see that i run out of air faster is if i am damaged. i notice a lot of
people rush and do not submurge until they have been hit. IF YOU ARE LEAKING YOU

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 11. 2010 10:36

Okay, I've shed some light on this myth. I tried a couple test missions with a US SS2.
First round I tried overheating with a level 105 engy as much as possible and my air ran
out at 2:09 minutes. Next trial was with the same set up at 0kts. My air ran out at
exactly the same time.

Conclusion: Speed has no effect on your air time at all. In fact you can travel larger
distances while traveling at a higher speed. Therefore getting the most out of the air
time you have.

Myth Busted

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 11. 2010 09:02

I don't think you lose air faster. MY air is always empty too fast ha. Never enough to
tear all those BBs apart.

BTW: Jejejejeje!

  • Re : Subs and Overheating.

    10. 11. 2010 00:25

it's simple, try with a chronometer how many seconds of air u have if u go underwater
and stay still. then try again if u go underwater and this time u overheat. compare
the quantity of seconds, and u will see if there is any difference.
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