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  • One-Shot CV Checklist (IJN T2 DB)

    10. 22. 2010 18:48

This is a copy and paste data that I've created a very long while ago. I'm now happy to
share this publicly for the betterment of knowledge to the bomber-centric players out
there. You're welcome to recommend if you've found this guide helpful, cheers. ^^


Hello, I decided to make a statistical graph out for fun but I know those who will take
this at its fullest advantage especially with bomber heavy pilot setups will find this
useful. This graph is only emphasized on the IJN T2 DB since IJN is considerably by far
the most versatile CV nation for speed, longevity and its insane DB damage output. Just
like to add, this is my first ever guide so here goes. =D

This has been tested and judged to perfection through constant in-game experience since
the start of the GB1 trend so I believe in my point of view that it's almost 95% accurate
if shell bounces and any amount of deck above 0.5" are not accounted for. Since almost
all CVs are not capable of fitting more than 2" of deck to even make this armor setup
remotely effective whatsoever, it should not serve much detriment to the given statistics
except for the CV6 with its immaculate leftover displacement.

The graph consists of two charts based on its lowest and highest end of SD for the given
CV. How many bombs it will take to sink your targeted CV is up to your best and most
balanced judgment based on crew lvl and the player using it. Cheers. ^^

On a further note, I will not do a TB checklist for this due to belt/bulge setups since
it's far too impossible to determine any certain absolution whatsoever regardless of the
given CV. I do know however through personal experience that 7 MN TBs at direct hit can
sink a 900 SD L2 without any belt/bulge if that helps in any way, lol... Anyways, cheers. =P

Miscellaneous Notes:

No CV can withstand 17 IJN T2 DBs in one blast with the given regards stated above. Period.

Unryu is by far IMO is the best DBW CV in-game by maximum potentiality for its tier along
ship stats (durability, speed, leftover displacement, turning force, plane load). Also my
most favorite CV in NF. =D

The biggest CV target you can ever sink with an IJN CV3 in one DB run is the Ark Royal.
You must send in another DB run in order to sink any other CVs that have a higher amount
of DP or have the SD to take enough punishment than it. This however can be arranged if
you're patient enough to wait out your next bombing run to double/rationalize your
firepower if you have enough DB pilots.

The biggest CV target you can ever sink with an IJN PCV in one DB run is the Hindenburg.
Same reason as above.

IJN CVs tend to have almost no SD even with a 4 gold crew, use this as your advantage.

Expect alot of defense/SD when you take down against higher tier/crew lvl UK and MN CVs,
they tend to have alot more SD than they respectively do even at lvl crews.

CVs other than the UK and MN ones that outfit guns tend to have much less SD than the ones
that don't. Once again, use this as your advantage.

Take advantage of parked CVs (especially the ones who hide in the clouds, lol) and
remember its parked coordinates if you don't finish him, chances are, these noobs usually
don't have the "skill" and audacity to move away from their position. =P

If you don't finish off a CV in a normal scenario, use your DBs that just finished their
bombing run to constantly scout the unfinished CV and let his fighters circle jerk them as
long as possible. Exert pressure by allowing your bombers to catch as much attention to
his fighters to minimize his cover for his team. A good CV however will always know how
to rationalize his fighters but let's say one who doesn't know how to manage his fighters
at all. While your bombers are still scouting the damaged CV, use your second and already
set DB run to finish him. Yes, he must kill all your DBs circling around him or you will
have the vision that will give you the finishing kill by your next wave therefore a
somewhat lose lose situation for him, think of Starcraft II logic. :P If all your DBs
happen to die too soon after the first bombing run on him, remember his last seen
coordinates and the direction he's heading. Listening to the precise direction of enemy
aircraft in the FOW (the louder, the more dense of incoming aircraft approaching) or
perhaps following his bombers after its bombing run along locating the tiny black dot when
planes are being launched by the enemy CV in the FOW always helps. Rince and repeat
until he dies. =D

Insta-bombing gives the highest input amount of damage than any other method of DBing. =D

If you urgently need to load another DB run and your DBs are still alive in the field,
scout and send them to oblivion by enemy AA or AAW (US/UK BB and CV are excellent choices
especially the SoDak, Colorado, Lexington and Baltimore). Sometimes having them dead is
better than stalling them for too long to have them come back to your CV.

If you're wondering why there isn't a BB checklist, the reason should already be
self-explanatory for those who play way too much CV like me. =P

  • Re : One-Shot CV Checklist (IJN T2 DB)

    11. 02. 2010 03:06

Belt worked against DB???

  • Re : One-Shot CV Checklist (IJN T2 DB)

    10. 23. 2010 15:14


yes belt sucks

  • Re : One-Shot CV Checklist (IJN T2 DB)

    10. 23. 2010 15:06

It's just there as filler to complement the statistics respectively even though it's
nonexistant in a realistic point of view. I'm aware that a CV6 should by now have at
least more than 500+ SD but as I've said, this is through my acute judgment experience.

Because of the introduction of MN, their DBs would definitely surpass the given charts. I
don't use MN DB but I'd too agree that about 35k dmg is quite correct for a 9 DB wave only
if nothing nullifies its maximum damage output. I'd lean more towards its succession in
doing so at about 70% which is still pretty good unless you're just plain unlucky because
I know I've had a fraction of losses all because of shell bounces and it can screw over
your game result in the long run. Generally, I'm sure that this has happened to everyone
at some point of time especially to any CV player who primarily uses DBs, go figure. =/

  • Re : One-Shot CV Checklist (IJN T2 DB)

    10. 23. 2010 13:44

i run a MN CV4 BW 9 MN T2 Dbs do around 35k attack double up a wave you can one-
shot anything 70k drop w/o crits

your doing instant dropping also right?

forgot to add this did you test all of these? or did you just do the math. im wondering
because how do you find a midway/degrasse without 900 SD?

  • Re : One-Shot CV Checklist (IJN T2 DB)

    10. 23. 2010 11:23

Shell bounces and sufficient deck armor as mentioned are always the setbacks to the given
charts. It may easily seem that you don't output enough damage to most higher tier
CVs but in technical circumstances such as DBing at its highest possible altitude, it
should be respectively correct and probably even moreso than the statistics given since
this is solely judged based on a mid-high altitude drop (Auto-DB).

You're welcome to give yourselves or perhaps share certain experimental tests especially
if you have a fleet that supplies certain kinds of CV for any technical accuracy that you
don't believe in. On a personal note, I come from alot of CV experience to be able to
make such a comparison graph possible and that in no way I'd intentionally exaggerate the
data I've created for that reason. Cheers. =)

  • Re : One-Shot CV Checklist (IJN T2 DB)

    10. 23. 2010 09:10

Hello there, I must say I like what you did, but note that there are a few things aren't
right on your chart:

-Midway - (17 IJN DBs is not enough to one-shot, not even 18 MN DBs, you need 2 runs)
-De Grasse - (17 IJN DBs is not enough to one-shot, but it will take much less midway,
nevertheless 2 runs)

Note: With 20 MN DBs you can one shot anything but a Queen Victoria.

-Biggest thing you can sink in a IJN CV3 is a Europa with luck not a Ark Royal, its much
harder to sink UK CV's since most will have high SD, KM CV's are weak and most tend to put

  • Re : One-Shot CV Checklist (IJN T2 DB)

    10. 22. 2010 22:53

Very good work. Thx

I wonder how many more BW CV's we'll see after that.. :)