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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 25. 2005 00:07

Hello all,

I have been playing NF for almost a month now, but I'm becoming more and more frustrated by the fact I'm paying for mistakes I commited (like so many others) due to the lack of a decent guide for noobs beside trainworld. My BO is finally lvl 31, but due to the fact that he was only +12 Pot, I finally figured out that he will probably never be good enough for a BB. So, I decided to go the CV line. The problem I'm having is twofolds:

1) I got myself an Agano to train using scouts and leveled I special forces sailor to lvl 25 which took me a butt load of time. Once I started playing the Agano, I realized just how much it sucks! I'm making hardly any xp and money and get butchered by everything. DDs gang up on me and I cannot keep my distance using 5.5" guns, and if I somehow manage to evade them, I get attacked by CLs or CVs. ARGH! What the heck am I supposed to do? I'm in the poor house because I'm getting no kills except occasionally with torps. So, I went back to the Tsukikei which is an excellent ship, but has only 2 support slots. Which brings me to the next question...

2) I get Oyodo at lvl 33, but how the heck am I supposed to use it when I need lvl 35 pilots to even get planes?!?! And how many pilots will I need in the future to crew a decent CV? How the heck am I supposed to level at least 2 pilots to lvl 35? Itt already took me 1 month to get one to level 25 so that I could at least fly a scout.

Please help! I have no idea what to do in the future. And PLEASE do not tell me I should have gone the TW route, because there is nothing I hate more than a TW.

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 26. 2005 11:53

I've got an oyodo and the similar problem, i purchased my oyo w/ two torp bombers for 180k
(which was all i had >< stocks were getting low) So i had no money and no way or earning
it. After a little time of grinding w/ a new crew in a kagero i got them up to fubu
level, i have been power leveling some neutral pilots and they get about 700-2k exp per
game...depending on how good i do. Good thing about a fubu is that lvl 45 is a long way
off and along w/ exp you get lots of money. I havn't sat there and tried to figure this
out but when you get to 45 you might have lots of money and even be capable of buying the
said db or fighter.

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 26. 2005 10:42

One question slightly offtopic: did i perceive it rigth that i cant take CV when i go

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 26. 2005 05:07

This is about they biggest mistake you can make..turning your pilots to tb'
MUST keep one or two as a scout till lvl 45 for DB's..with the scouts you could atleast
get the Rufes(duno what lvl they are at)that can protect your ship from bombers.
Also if your going the CV
route you better save up NOW!!the Hosho is about 1.2mil right off the port.(now
with equipment) I myself had the Mog CV,and it was a rather expensive job
maintaining the planes,it costed me about 3k to replace all the bombers and fighters.

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 26. 2005 04:51

i haded tw's also but i lvled a crew for one because with 1k xp avarege per battle is
good to train pilots, i don't know howmuch xp a fub gets in op convoy but tw's are
used by most players to lvl up pilots for there cv's. so i should start training a fub
crew if you want pilots fast but remember that fubs arn't very popular.

hope i 've been to any help

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 26. 2005 02:45

oi oi oi

yeah man....u should use akitsuki or tsukikei until......u lvl up ur op.c as
much as u can... im sure ur sailor will be lvl up fast...

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 25. 2005 23:36

Huh? So, what did you do with a pilot-less Oyo??

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 25. 2005 23:28

I didn't have pilots for my Oyodo till my BO was lvl40..

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 25. 2005 23:26

Well, I actually had the Agano with 3x2x6in and got raped so much that I reverted
back to Tsukikei. I am almost at 7.9in lvl with my gunners, so I may try again then
and use the range advantage.

Unfortunately, my BO is 32 and by the time I have the Oyodo, I will have no pilots
near lvl 33 to man it. So, it seems I'll be stuck with Agano till Mogami and it's going
to take me forever because I make almost no xp in Agano. Grrr!

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 25. 2005 20:53


i would not use those pilot sas tb at lv 33.

First of all, get some nice experts on ur gunners and stick with tsukikei until you get the 7.9" for agano.

Then, once u have agano buy it and use it to get used to the handling and battle style of big ships. The agano is great practice for mogami....

Unfortunately, i dunno what to say bout ur pilots xcept keep grinding...

I leveled my first pilots with a fubuki so i cant help u there unless u buy some..

  • Re : Need help in reaching CV lvl.

    10. 25. 2005 19:02

Thanks for the advice.

Basically, this is going to suck. Raising 4 pilots to level 33 is no easy feat. Espcially in a DD that has only 2 support slots. Well, I do get the 7.9in guns soon, but would those really improve the Agano much? The triple 6in guns look nice, but those are still ways off. Gawd, I am so frustrated.

Can anyone advise me whether a 12 POT BO has a chance of succeeding in BBs? Or should I give up completely and start over?
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