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  • Renown tactics help

    11. 08. 2010 00:01

I've been driving a renown for a little over a month now. I'm hoping to be in a
repulse by the end of the month but being out ranged and one-shotted by other bbs
is starting to become almost too painful. I've actually switched to an auto fcs just so
that I can rush in and get a quick shot before I die. If anyone can provide any useful
tips or suggestions that can either lengthen my life span (other than camping in the
back) or actually fight back, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  • Re : Renown tactics help

    11. 09. 2010 05:46

in that "crappy" BB if you can still get into Blitz games play those until you can't anymore

and if you can't... GBs get PomPoms kill a scout and use anything that has range and get
your poke on a target... on that line the BB1 and 2 suck in GBs with an at lvl crew as any
BB3+ will pwn you

and auto????? wow ... myself.. i won't use on an FF cause auto just sucks.. and on a BB?
that is just epic fail

  • Re : Renown tactics help

    11. 08. 2010 16:28

Thanks guys for your suggestions. 4 more lvls till repulse =D

  • Re : Renown tactics help

    11. 08. 2010 01:49

for the Renown, i got to the Repulse before I went insane; the key is to move in and out.
Turn off your auto FCS as you need the manual aim to get a decent shot in the few times
that you do get in range.
Just so you know;
You are not a linefighter. Do not linefight otherwise you WILL get whipped.
You are a fast ship. Do not equip excessive amounts of bulge and try and get good
engys/reps so that you can rush. When i say rush i dont mean start of the game. I mean
watching for the scouts to go down, checking you are not seen and then going in. With the
spread of the at lvl renown, it is almost certain that you need the extra 25% accuracy
that the Manual FCS provides. The 15'' shells hit hard, so make sure that you dont get in
too close and you keep hitting them.
If you have over 800 SD consider the hit and run approach in addition to waiting until
they go blind.
AA weapons on the side with decent reload gunners also allows you to feel useful, however
i feel detracts too much from the speed.
With a good set of engys you should be able to get 50+ knts out of this thing. Use the CV
IV engine on the Repulse when you get it for a speedboost for OH time.
Get a dunk. I BO reset during the event to KGV and used a Dunk. Alternatively, To be
honest, when you hit lvl 66 and get repulse and get the UK 15'' mkIII N's you should be right.
Good luck and bear with it. The Nelson, apparently, is worth the grind.

  • Re : Renown tactics help

    11. 08. 2010 00:55

well i got past BB1 by getting a EBB2 and lvling my gunners to 85 on my cv before using
them, but thats probably not much help to you and i have no idea how most people do
Possibly get some AA gunners and go around pompoming planes or HHing subs since
you have 10 T slots

  • Re : Renown tactics help

    11. 08. 2010 00:49

Get a Dunkerque. I'm sorry if you don't want to fork out money, but it's the only way to
get to Nelson/Hood without ending up in a home for the insane.

Second, don't use auto, you need to practice sniping when the enemy is off guard. Rush in
alongside bigger ships when the enemy is blind and get one hit (or two if you're good
enough) before running away.

Plan B is get an AA Emerald or ASW L-class for a few months.