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  • Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 12. 2010 18:56

After looking over the trade board the past few days, I have come to see that most
people are just picking random numbers off the top of their heads. 300 million for any
one sailor is just insane even if it is level 120. =da= has set out to hopefully put an
end to all that. The guide that Bullitt4106 & myself have come up with should help to
provide a basic starting point for all sailors. Below is a link to a PDF file that we

This PDF lists the prices for sailors from level 12 - 120. We broke it down by the base
stats as this is the most important feature when deciding the price of a sailor you are
selling or buying. The stats are broken down as follows...Elite, 12/11 or 11/12, 12/10
or 10/12, 11/11, and 11/10 or 10/11. We did not include anything lower than these
base stats as it is very easy to roll for the above stats and get them. And before
anyone says anything about it, I know there is not a stat for 12/12. Let뭩 face it, this
is such a rare stat that it did not need to be added in. If you find yourself buying or
selling one of these, then please just use your best judgment on it.
Now, as far as the starting point for this guide, we tried to use a numbering system
that was fair to both the buyer & the seller. You will notice that at the top of the list
we have a conversion chart for premium items located in the NF store.

**Disclaimer: We are not saying that people should buy and sell premium items for
in game credits. We are just using this as a starting reference for this guide. **

As we all know, you cannot trade a sailor unless he is level 12 or higher, and you can
buy a level 12 elite sailor from the site @ $3.00. So with that in mind, we set the
starting price for a level 12 elite @ 3 million. From there we simply implemented a
numbering system to add credits at a per level basis all the way up to level 120. We
then used this same numbering system for all the other base stats, but just started
them at a slightly lower rate than the elites. The end result is a much more
organized way of pricing sailors for everyone involved. No more guessing at what the
sailor is worth.

We have also added an area at the bottom to show a price listing for experts & vets.
This pricing is also based off the item conversion chart from the top. You will also
notice that we have added an example of how to figure the total cost for your sailor,
as well as an example of what my actual UK BB5 crew would figure out to be if I were
to sell them using this pricing guide.

Please keep in mind that this is merely meant to act as a guide. As with all business
and trades, there should still be room for bargaining. Some may try to sell a little
higher or buy a little lower, and this is perfectly okay to do. This is the essence of
normal business in the real world.

*Edit: We are currently working to get this info added to a database on our site so
that you can go to it and just plug in the info and hit a "calculate" button. It will then
add up all the info for you and display the total cost. Once this has been completed, I
will post a link to it for all to use. Until then, please let me know your thoughts on the
guide. We are not sure how other servers have their pricing system setup so please
no comments of how this system does not work for pricing on other severs. As the
header states: "Bismarck Pricing Guide".

Fleet CO
=Digital Anarchy=

  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 15. 2010 17:32

I wish everyone would follow this guide so much over pricing NF must be making a
fortune when sailors don't sell. Is there anyway to get a refund if sailors don't sell?
Some compensation should be worked out.


I eat CV's for Breakfast

  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 13. 2010 08:09

sounds good, i have a few ideas. ill send over an email to you.


  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 13. 2010 07:08

You can't really make a universal price guide, since:

1) Base at lv 120 is import for some sailors, and not for others.
2) Some sailors are always in high demand (Fighter pilots and Engineers)
3) Different nations has differing values for sailors, eg US AA gunners = pointless in
comparison to KM AA gunners)

Nice try though, looks like you put some thought into it.

  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 13. 2010 06:40

@ V2Cx - As I stated above, I do not know what premium items go for on the other
servers, so this list may not be valid for them. However, on the Bismarck server, 1 mil
for every $1 is a decent and fair price for both parties involved. Every now and then I
will get 1.5 mil or more for $1, but that is only when the buying party offers to pay
more themselves.

@ Cheeky - We would be more than happy to help you out with a price listing for the
Iowa server. After all your post is what got us started on the one for Bismarck.
Basically you will just need to know how much premium items sell for on
your server. After that we can just adjust the pricing to meet the demands for your
server. Im not sure if you use or have TS3, but I host a server for my fleet
( no password) You are more than welcome to hop on it and we can
talk about the spreadsheet there or you can email me at [email protected]. I can
send you a copy for the spreadsheet if you like. Bullitt4106 & myslef have made it
really simple to change the prices for each stat & level as we knew that the prices
would probably need to be adjusted a little.

  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 13. 2010 02:25

im going to recommend this too, brilliant and well thought out. Its a lot better than my
attempt for a general guide for iowa. Im wondering if you would like to try doing the
same for the other servers aswell. I am more than happy to help out. msg me if u like.

  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 12. 2010 22:07

Prem goes for well more then 1 mil per $. 2.5+ is more along the lines on AZ and I am
assuming NY is no different. Inflation is a bitch.

  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 12. 2010 20:58

Good work poage! :D ive recommended it 2. btw hope 2 c u in battle soon! ^_^

  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 12. 2010 20:09

Well made guide. Excellently describes prices at low levels (1-45 12/11,11/11, Elite,
Etc.), and even at high levels gives a somewhat accurate price range. The only problem is
the diversification of sailors which affects prices (Pilots vs Supports vs gunner, etc.),
however, that is something the creative seller must overcome and find his own price. Even
though different types of sailors will have different prices, this guide gives a great
price range if you have no idea what you're doing. This gets my rec for the day.

  • Re : Bismarck Pricing Guide

    11. 12. 2010 19:21

good job dont know about the prices because fighters are worth more than restorers and go
on but its a good basic thing.