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  • How can earn points?

    11. 18. 2010 00:38

when we buy something to nf store we earn points but is this points is different to wep
side points isint it? so Where is the Nf store points?

Thanks For Answer...

  • Re : How can earn points?

    11. 18. 2010 12:26

Thx mods for answer.

"The system to earn points for making posts on the Forums was
removed a couple of years ago and the system to earn points
for purchases was removed approximately a year ago. Points
have been used for some Events as prizes in the interim period."

  • Re : How can earn points?

    11. 18. 2010 09:41

Players don't earn website points anymore from posting or purchasing. That was removed
due to scamming/exploiting nearly 2 years ago. The only way to get them now is to have
SDE award them to you as prizes or reimburse you for something with points, which you can
then spend in the store.

Consider the upcoming point-round-up event as SDE giving a small bonus to the players who
have stuck with this game for 2 years or more.