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U.S Navy


  • Pensacola

    12. 10. 2010 07:03

Should I armour whore my P'cola and put 8" RF guns on it...


Stay light and keep the 12" L's?

  • Re : Pensacola

    12. 27. 2010 12:13

2.25" deck will not bounce even KM shells.

A pensacola with Trip 14D's with HHE is quite capable of sinking BBs. Armor is not the
reason for it.

SD/Speed is heaps more valuable for a small, nimble and heavy hitting ca.

  • Re : Pensacola

    12. 27. 2010 11:46

Try the 3 -14" on the front instead of the 12", and HH on the back turret. I sank
152K tons last week in one game...I think it was 2 Bbs, a SS and a CV. Just sunk an
L1 ... one on one today. You go right at them, and they invariably miss.

  • Re : Pensacola

    12. 10. 2010 11:55

well, the crew I have on it now will lvl out of blitz in 2 I'll use it there for a
bit longer, then move back to GB rooms. I won't take a BB into blitz (see my
suggestion forum) because I think they break up the balance.

But yeah, at the moment it's primarily a blitz boat.

UPDATE:!!!! Shocker...I've run it in GB for shits-n-grins and ended up on the battle
line and survived 4 battles in a row... I bumped down deck 2 2.5" and belt to same
to put the 12"L's back on (was running 8" RF's in hobbit) and added 5"38's (before
3"70's) and owned a AndyDory...and ended up sinking 2 wounded Iowa's and H44!

  • Re : Pensacola

    12. 10. 2010 10:02

Do you expect to primarily face FF/DD/CL...



The armored setup may be worthwhile in blitz (especially hobbit war?), but not so much in