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U.S Navy


  • Cv problem

    12. 12. 2010 19:07

Im getting a little frustrated with my CV credits. In blitz i dominated everyone, getting
30k credits a game, now im thrown in Gb, and i rarely make more than 8k credits a
game, is there anything i can do, or just grind it out and it'll get better?

  • Re : Cv problem

    12. 14. 2010 23:18

If you want to lvl, then i suggest an AA ship like pensacola and just AA till a higher lvl. If
you want credits, do not use locals. Use T1s or whatever ur highest tier fighters are and
kill scouts and bombers.

  • Re : Cv problem

    12. 14. 2010 21:09

At low level, you have to "find your way" with your pilots... look ahead of the path, and
that way, if you see enemy fighters, you can change your course. also, try to attack
isolated targets, and be careful with enemy AA, they will shot down your planes way before
you reach your target.

  • Re : Cv problem

    12. 13. 2010 00:39

I recommend getting an AA ship and level your fighter pilots there until they could get T2
Fighters with enough experts and vets. I don't recommend Bombing until CV3're
a bomber whore. And even if that is the case, it's not a very good idea.