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  • In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 18. 2010 19:31

In your opinion and past experience is it better to train an extra US TB or DB?

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 27. 2010 10:56

I run a set of DB's with my fighters. Never quite got the hang of TB's with U.S.

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 27. 2010 10:32

Well you're right about the MN, and they are by default BWs to begin with so it's no real
contest there and I had experience from back before MN.

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 20. 2010 22:23

i prefer dbs just because today i learned how to manual db and "carpet bomb" ships. but overall both are good at
there purpose.
one thing for sure learn manual dbing and tbing gives you the essance of suprise because thus allowing to hit them
w/o them trying to avoid.i.e i dbed a yam today flying high right over his ship i dropped the bombs at 99 alt a
broadside from a db he expecting me to come down onto his deck. or another you fly your tbs at 1 altitude from you
cv to target they eill think
a sub is attacking lol

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 20. 2010 13:51

TBs excel at killing Subs and smaller ships, in which a DB will have more difficulty
hitting. They are also great to use once an enemy is bulgeless. (IE late game, after the
Kita's and subs maul through the enemy bbs.)

They are also good to use when there is plenty of AA in the air, as they don't need to fly
high to attack.

Both have uses, but... if you start splitting up your precious space between both types..
you can land into a bit of trouble.

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 20. 2010 12:07

Can someone please explain the exact use of TBs in US Carrier crews? Thanks

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 20. 2010 06:16

I definately reccomend training US DBs over TB.

For you to do damage to a bigger ship such as a BB you need to break its buldge
first, which may take only 1 wave or 5 waves of bomers, before you do ANY damage.
Now for DBs you dont always get as much damage as TB but you will do damage on
your first wave and any others that follow. On top of that the T2 DBs for me seem to
do very high damage.

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 19. 2010 17:53

Yah i believe MN does.

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 19. 2010 13:24

Ricky doesnt MN have the best TBs?

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 19. 2010 04:08

DBs can also take down a sub if they r not submerged :P
pretty hard to hit em but as long as ur DBs r in good bombing position its not impossible
to kill a sub o.o

  • Re : In your opinion? US DBs Vs TBs

    12. 19. 2010 03:50

^--Maaaaaybe....but who are you going to trust better for taking down a sub? :P

DBs have their merits but like I said, better to have two sets of bombers than one.
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